OMG! I just noticed the song *before* "I Wanna Be Somebody" is "Shot In The Dark". If this is a cover of the Ozzy song off The Ultimate Sin, Imma gonna freak out EVEN MORE!!!
That was my first Ozzy album - probably my sentimental favourite to boot!
#HeavyMetal #Metal #PowerMetal #BurningWitches #Ozzy #OzzyOsbourne #UltimateSin #ShotInTheDark #80sMetal
#80smetal #SHOTINTHEDARK #ultimatesin #ozzyosbourne #ozzy #burningwitches #powermetal #metal #heavymetal
Killer of Giants | Ozzy Osbourne
"If none of us, believes in war..."
#ozzyosbourne #killerofgiants #ultimatesin
Some #JakeELee era #OzzyOsbourne for some dinner pick-up #DriveTimeTuneage Always felt #UltimateSin was an underrated album, especially Jake's guitar performance. #reddragoncartel
#reddragoncartel #ultimatesin #DriveTimeTuneage #ozzyosbourne #jakeelee