Had a interesting conversation with #ChatGPT about my favourite crpg of all time #UltimaV. Facts were completely wrong, but AI did some pretty interesting assumptions.
Sorry about linking to "bluebird", but since #udic is still mainly there, so am I.
By popular demand (thanks to @vga256), have catalogued "The Official Guide To Ultima" into #TheVideoGameLibrary.
Both the 1st and 2nd Editions are listed. Everything you'd ever want to know about the saga circa 1992.
What's your favourite #Ultima game?
👉 https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/book/the-official-book-of-ultima
#UltimaI #UltimaII #UltimaIII #UltimaIV #UltimaV #UltimaVI #Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #PC #PCGaming #OriginSystems #RichardGarriott #AppleII #C64 #Commodore64 #FMTowns #MSX2 #PC8801 #PC9801 #SharpX1 @bookstodon
#sharpx1 #pc9801 #pc8801 #msx2 #fmtowns #commodore64 #c64 #appleii #RichardGarriott #originsystems #pcgaming #pc #videogame #videogames #Gaming #UltimaVI #ultimav #UltimaIV #ultimaiii #ultimaii #ultimai #ultima #thevideogamelibrary
Tänä jouluna oli sen verran paljon muuta hommaa, että #UltimaV jäi pelaamatta aattona, mutta nyt kun vaimo on sukuloimassa lasten kanssa ja minä parka yksin kotona, koska huomenna on tavanomainen työpäivä, voinen käyttää illan produktiivisesti ja edistää kääpiökaivantoani.