#Purificateur d'eau autonome, #portable et durable #ORISA - Fonto de vivo
>ORISA®, fabriqué en #France, filtre par #ultrafiltration et sans électricité l' #eau douce et élimine les bactéries, microorganismes, etc.,
#eau #ultrafiltration #france #orisa #portable #purificateur
One truth about honey: it’s not made from pollen grains https://www.honeybeesuite.com/one-truth-about-honey-its-not-made-from-pollen-grains/ #ultrafiltration #palynology #honeydew #protein #pollen #honey
#ultrafiltration #palynology #honeydew #protein #pollen #honey
@gemlog @fitheach Very small holes, with #ultrafiltration.
It's a relatively new technology that they used in #Kamloops , developed by ZENON Environmental in Oakville (now owned by a French water firm apparently). I think the military uses portable versions for water supply as well.