Tweet von YonkouJean PGO (@yonkoujean) um 16. Dez., 22:39 - Ultra League - Moves Guide - Go Battle League Season 13.
The moveset are recommended by PVPoke
Good luck in your battles!
#UltraLeague #GOBattleLeague #GBL #PokemonGO #pokemon
#ultraleague #gobattleleague #gbl #PokemonGo #pokemon
Tweet von YonkouJean PGO (@yonkoujean) um 16. Dez., 22:39 - Ultra League - Moves Guide - Go Battle League Season 13.
The moveset are recommended by PVPoke
Good luck in your battles!
#UltraLeague #GOBattleLeague #GBL #PokemonGO #pokemon
#ultraleague #gobattleleague #gbl #pokemongo #pokemon