"A reader emailed me citing a few examples of people who abruptly changed their lives: they started exercising, built better habits, studied hard and got good grades, moved up in their careers … basically turning themselves into “successful” people seemingly overnight. He wanted to understand why this happens and ask how someone might attempt a similar transformation." #ScottYoung #SelfHelp #ultralearning #selfactualization
#scottyoung #selfhelp #ultralearning #selfactualization
Awhile back I read Ultralearning by Scott Young. It was a surprisingly useful book and ended up writing notes immediately after consuming it.
I found myself thinking upon the book again, and converted those notes to a markdown document to share. Enjoy!
#ultralearning #selfeducation #selfimprovement
Reading #ultralearning (https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/ultralearning) made me discovered the software #anki (https://apps.ankiweb.net) (currently testing it to learn Spanish) and now reading about augmenting long term memory at http://augmentingcognition.com/ltm.html
How to learn new skills more quickly and effectively #learning #ultralearning