Prepping for a #backpacking trip. I've been working this summer trying to get my lightweight load lighter, more into #fastpack territory.
Got the GG fast kumo 36 to carry instead of my Osprey exos 58 & my Nemo dragonfly is out in favor of a Durston X-Mid 2p.
That & other optimizations has my minimum base weight at about 12 pounds, almost #ultralight. I could do UL, but my safety setup is robust given my experience with mountain rescues, not to mention finding rotten mostly eaten dead bodies.
#backpacking #fastpack #ultralight
Day 7 recap:
Missed a day, don't remember where it went. Probably lost in the mountains.
This day was the first day we hit the actual north shore of the Westfjords. Fjords are the best and worst in tailwind.
Also fell in love, again, with the person in the store telling us "Hey guys, there's free coffee" in Swedish.
Bike's doing alright. Ass hurts. Todo: change saddle when I get home.
Time for sleep.
#bikepacking #Iceland #westfjords #camping #ultralight #cycling
#bikepacking #iceland #westfjords #camping #ultralight #cycling
Haut die #Rezepte raus! Gesucht werden hochkalorische Leichtgewichte für den #Rucksack.
Ich fang an mit #AndrewSkurka „Peanutbutter Noodles“ mit 500kcal/100g
30g Erdnussbutter
8g Honig
10g Öl (Olive, Nuss…)
10g Sojasauce (Misopaste ist auch lecker!)
Erdnüsse, Rosinen (nach Bedarf)
Knoblauch, Chilli, Salz nach Bedarf
Zu Hause leicht erwärmt zusammenrühren und abfüllen)
Dazu Ramen Nudeln (Instant, die müssen nur ca 10 min ziehen)
#Rezepte #rucksack #andrewskurka #ultralight #UltralightHiking #hiking
Ich habe einen ganz tollen #Wanderrucksack erworben, der mir allerdings zu lang ist. Ich würde ihn gern zum gleichen Preis weitergeben. Es ist ein #ultralight-Klassiker, nämlich der #Osprey Exos 38 von 2018, also mit Taschen auf dem Hüftgurt.
Er hat keine Gebrauchsspuren, alles ist da und intakt. Ich vermute, dass er auch vom Vorbesitzer kaum benutzt wurde.
Size Guide beachten! Dieser Rucksack hat Größe L.
84€ + Abholung in #Freiburg oder zzgl Porto.
#wanderrucksack #ultralight #osprey #freiburg
I think my most controversial #prepper opinion is you shouldn't #ruck you should #ultralight
Yes you should be prepared to carry a lot of weight for long distances, but if you have good cardio/running/long distance hiking training and do any amount of lifting. You'll be fine.
Build your bug out kit ultralight with a decently heavy duty pack and you'll have no problems.
SHTF is honestly unlikely, but permanent back and knee damage from prepping is VERY likely.
„Feral“ V0.2 „schwarz-rot“
Wesentliche Änderungen: elastische Spannkordeln jetzt links und rechts. Schultergurte verstärkt.
Learnings: langsam langsam!
#diy #ultralight #ultralightgear #sewing #backpacking #hiking
#DIY #ultralight #ultralightgear #sewing #backpacking #hiking
„Feral“ V0.2 „schwarz-rot“
Wesentliche Änderungen: elastische Spannkordeln jetzt links und rechts. Schultergurte verstärkt.
Learnings: langsam langsam!
#dyi #ultralight #ultralightgear #sewing #backpacking #hiking
#dyi #ultralight #ultralightgear #sewing #backpacking #hiking
I don’t play the light as possible game, it just happens by default by aiming to run what’s runnable.
If I really wanted to cut weight, I’d skip the inflatable matt & pillow, fill sack, bivy, down balaclava, wind layers, half the calories, and power pack. None are needed for a spontaneous overnighter, it’s just nice to have so much spare weight that there’s no reason not to pamper myself.
#Ultralight #Backpacking #Hiking #Camping #FastPacking #TrailRunning
#ultralight #backpacking #hiking #camping #fastpacking #trailrunning
Scrambled around freestyle off trail all night, bivied for a few hours in the morning. Heading for an easy summit now, all clear no snow.
#Hiking #Ultralight #Backpacking #SierraNevada #Mountains #California
#hiking #ultralight #backpacking #Sierranevada #mountains #california
I confess to having become somewhat obsessed with these tents, and I’m super-curious to know if anyone has any experience with them. Does the inflatable frame confer any advantage whatsoever, or is it just there to look cool? As an #ultralight hiker I can’t imagine this being worth the significant weight penalty, but I’m willing to concede there might be benefits I haven’t considered.
@geriatrion Ganz ehrlich, dann doch lieber #Ultralight mit nem #UAZ, #Lada oder #Jeep irgendwo...
That here is the opposite of #ultralight #hiking!
#ultralight #hiking #UltralightHiking #thruhiking
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #4070AA Tail: #GFFFB Flt: #GFFFB
Owner: #Private
Aircraft: #P & M Aviation Quik GTR
2023/05/21 13:42:46
#ULAC #PeopleBeCrazy #Ultralight #NopeMobile×tamp=1684672966
#planealert #4070aa #gfffb #private #p #ulac #peoplebecrazy #ultralight #nopemobile
Really sad news today about 2 #ultralight #planes crashing here near #Barcelona.
#ultralight #planes #barcelona #aviation #news
сонячний окунь. зараз дуже поширений в наших водоймах
#fishing #spinning #ultralight
#fishing #spinning #ultralight
@eversion As a dedicated #ultralight hiker, I even take exception to their premise! They must be filthy bushcrafters.
Last “weekend’s” ski tour, five days through Dalarna’s Vedugnsfjället.
#winter #winterwonderland #skitouring #sweden #dalarna #vedugnsfjället #hottent #ultralight
#winter #winterwonderland #skitouring #sweden #dalarna #vedugnsfjallet #hottent #ultralight
Oh no, someone is selling a tent second hand, a tent I wanted to have for a very long time. #locusGear #ultralight #fml
So now the big question is which tent to bring for my hike through the Scottish mountains?
#TGOChallenge #scotland #hiking #trekking #ultralight #WerDieWahlHatHatDieQual
#tgochallenge #scotland #hiking #trekking #ultralight #werdiewahlhathatdiequal
Zeit für ein Paar neue Handschlaufen nach 12 Jahren!
Dabei auch auch noch 9g leichter und so wiegen die guten Distance Z-Poles nur noch 267g das Paar - CHECK 😎
#UltraleichtTrekking #UltraleichtWandern #Wandern #UltralightHiking #Hiking #UltralightGear #Ultralight #BlackDiamond #TrekkingPoles #WanderStöcke #Carbon #CarbonFiber
#ultraleichttrekking #ultraleichtwandern #wandern #UltralightHiking #hiking #ultralightgear #ultralight #blackdiamond #trekkingpoles #wanderstocke #carbon #carbonfiber