A red milkweed beetle (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus) in Carl Schurz Park in early June.
#redmilkweedbeetle #beetle #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #insects #bugs #entomology #carlschurzpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#redmilkweedbeetle #beetle #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #insects #bugs #entomology #carlschurzpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A moisture ant (g. Lasius) farming aphids in Carl Schurz Park in early June.
#moistureant #Lasius #aphids #farming #insects #cooperativebehavior #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo #carlschurzpark #nycparks
#moistureant #lasius #aphids #farming #insects #cooperativebehavior #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #carlschurzpark #nycparks
A leaf beetle (f. Chrysomelidae) in late May. North Woods of Central Park.
#leafbeetle #Chrysomelidae #beetles #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #northwoods #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#leafbeetle #Chrysomelidae #beetles #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #northwoods #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A jumping spider (f. Salticidae) in the North Woods of Central Park in late May. This particular one was being a picky eater. It would grab one bug, pause for a moment, then drop it. It repeated this behavior for about 20 minutes before it finally settled on one that it actually wanted to eat.
#jumpingspliders #Salticidae #spiders #arachnids #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #nycparks
#jumpingspliders #salticidae #spiders #arachnids #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #nycparks
A ladybug larva (Coccinellidae) ending an aphid.
#ladybug #ladybeetle #Coccinellidae #predation #nature #wildlife #natureismetal #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #nycparks
#ladybug #ladybeetle #Coccinellidae #predation #nature #wildlife #natureismetal #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #nycparks
An unidentified fly in the north woods of Central Park.
#flies #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #entomology #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #nycparks
#flies #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #entomology #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #nycparks
A green lacewing larva (f. Chrysopidae) eating an aphid in Central Park in late May. Lacewing larva are a bit terrifying, but the adults are nearly harmless.
#greenlacewing #lacewing #Chrysopidae #predator #nature #wildlife #natureismetal #insects #bugs #entomology #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#greenlacewing #lacewing #chrysopidae #predator #nature #wildlife #natureismetal #insects #bugs #entomology #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A birtch catkin bug (Kleidocerys resedae) in the North Woods of Central Park in late May.
#birtchcatkinbug #KleidocerysResedae #insects #bugs #entomology #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #Nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#birtchcatkinbug #kleidocerysresedae #insects #bugs #entomology #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A bagworm (f. Psychidae) in the North Woods of Central Park in late May. These eventually end up as moths called bagworm moths.
#bagworm #Psychidae #insects #entomology #nature #wildlife #lepidoptera #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks
#bagworm #psychidae #insects #entomology #nature #wildlife #lepidoptera #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #northwoods #centralpark #nycparks
An aphid of some sort. Note that this one extrudes white lacy stuff. That helps to disguise it, and also if something does try to eat it, they may end up with the extrusions rather than the aphid.
#aphids #bugs #insects #entomology #extrusions #macro #ultramacro #nature #wildlife #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#aphids #bugs #insects #entomology #extrusions #macro #ultramacro #nature #wildlife #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A leafhopper nymph of some sort. Central Park in late May.
#leafhopper #nymph #bugs #nature #wildlife #entomology #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#leafhopper #nymph #bugs #nature #wildlife #entomology #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
An unidentified butterfly or moth caterpillar in Central Park (late May). From a distance these look 'fuzzy', but up close you can see that the hairs really are big spikes/needles. Hopefully no one was silly enough to actually touch it.
#caterpillar #lepidoptera #spines #nature #wildlife #insects #entomology #centralpark #nycparks #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo
#caterpillar #lepidoptera #spines #nature #wildlife #insects #entomology #centralpark #nycparks #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
According to seek these are chincatana leafcutter ants. However, I'm skeptical b/c this picture was taken in New York City instead of Mexico, Arizona or the surrounding regions.
Note how much smaller the male is than the female. Late May in Central Park.
#ants #mating #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #Nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#ants #mating #insects #bugs #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
Checkout the pedipalps on this spider. Taken in Central Park in late May.
#spider #arachnid #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #pedipalps #canonphotography #luminarneo
#spider #arachnid #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #pedipalps #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A western (European) honey bee (Apis mellifera).
Sooo fuzzy! :-)
#ApisMellifera #pollinators #honeybee #bees #westernhoneybee #europeanhoneybee #centralpark #nycparks #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #luminarneo
#ApisMellifera #pollinators #honeybee #bees #westernhoneybee #europeanhoneybee #centralpark #nycparks #macro #ultramacro #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
I think this is a member of the family Miridae. E.g. plant bugs. Like all true bugs, these have sucking mouth parts, this one was found in Central Park in late May.
#miridae #plantbugs #truebugs #insects #bugs #entomology #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo #macro #ultramacro
#miridae #plantbugs #TrueBugs #insects #bugs #entomology #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #macro #ultramacro
A fifteen-spotted lady beetle (Anatis labiculata) on a yellow leaf. These are darker colored ladybugs and their bodies can be nearly entirely black. As mentioned in previous posts, ladybugs and their larva are voracious aphid predators.
#fifteenspottedladybeetle #ladybeetle #ladybug #AnatisLabiculata #insects #bugs #entomology #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo
#fifteenspottedladybeetle #ladybeetle #ladybug #anatislabiculata #insects #bugs #entomology #macro #ultramacro #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo
A braconid Wasp (f. Braconidae). There are 17000 species in this family of parasitoid wasps. Never trust anything with an ovipositor!
#wasps #Braconidae #insects #bugs #entomology #macro #ultramacro #wildlife #nature #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #ramble #nycparks
#wasps #braconidae #insects #bugs #entomology #macro #ultramacro #wildlife #nature #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #ramble #nycparks
Ants farming aphids in late May in Central Park. Ants will gather up aphids and protect them in exchange for sugary liquids that the aphids occasionally extrude.
#ants #aphids #farming #macro #ultramacro #wildlife #nature #canonphotography #luminarneo #centralpark #nycparks
#ants #aphids #farming #macro #ultramacro #wildlife #nature #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #centralpark #nycparks
I have no idea what this is. This was at 5x magnification, so this is quite small.
#entomology #bugs #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #luminarneo #macro #ultramacro
#entomology #bugs #centralpark #nycparks #canonphotography #LuminarNeo #macro #ultramacro