" The ultra-nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (#LDPR) is working on a bill that would temporarily ban the travel of close relatives of high-ranking officials to 'unfriendly countries,' the RIA state news agency reported on Sunday." #Russia #UkraineWar
#UltraNationalists aim to restrict travel for Russian officials' families
#ultranationalists #UkraineWar #Russia #ldpr
"Is the Western establishment’s portrayal of Zelensky as Ukraine’s ‘hero’ justified?"
3/16/2022 Article by the #UK #SocialistParty
#UkrainePresident #VolodymyrZelensky
#ZelenskyFacts #ZelenskyTruth #ZelenskyRecord
#AutocraticRule #AntiWorkerMandates
#AntiWorkerLegislation #SteinmeierFormula
#StephenBandera #Ukraine #UltraNationalists
#MaksymMarchenko #AidarBattalion
#DonbasCrimes #AmnestyInternational #Report
#allwarbad #zelenskybad #putinbad #bidenbad #Ukrainepresident #volodymyrzelensky #report #amnestyinternational #donbascrimes #aidarbattalion #maksymmarchenko #ultranationalists #Ukraine #stephenbandera #steinmeierformula #antiworkerlegislation #antiworkermandates #autocraticrule #zelenskyrecord #zelenskytruth #zelenskyfacts #socialistparty #UK
Anti #immigration, pro #fossillfuels, pro #coal stance a domain of not just crypto & otherwise #nazis, #AFD,& #ultranationalists hell bend on, this time not just leaving 2 continents in ruins and burning, but the whole #Planet: #CDU #FDP #SDP #Laschet #HReul #FCK2038
RT @_Seebruecke_
Die einen wollen nen schnelleren #Kohleausstieg vor 2038, die anderen wollen mehr illegale Rückführungen und Menschenrechtsbrüche vor 2027. #Prioritä…
#Prioritä #kohleausstieg #FCK2038 #hreul #laschet #sdp #fdp #cdu #planet #ultranationalists #afd #nazis #coal #fossillfuels #immigration