And yes I know all those wireless keyboards that exost and the fact that someone converts new old stock #BackBerry keypads to #USB - not to nention the various USB Tablet Cases..
But I do want something like the #Nokia #Communicator or #Motorola #Fliput in terms of #size and form.
Bonus points if it has an #UltraNav-Style #Trackmpoint!
#trackmpoint #ultranav #size #fliput #motorola #communicator #Nokia #USB #BackBerry
@Joseph @Paradox we,, I get the same with the #UltraNav-Style #Trackpoint:
I just press the middle mouse button on it and slightly move the pointer downwards...
This allows for even more comfortable and faster scrolling than an #MXmaster with the "infinite scrolling wheel" at fastest schrolling speed...
#MXMaster #trackpoint #ultranav
Autoscrolling aside from pressing middle mouse button and dragging the #UltraNav down is annoying me so much that I can't stand it.
It's an ableist anti-feature - period!
I really want to see a 100% #Keyboard by #TEX with an #UltraNav - Style #Trackpoint...
#trackpoint #ultranav #tex #keyboard
@mntmn what I'm missing is an #UltraNav-Style #Trackpoint...
Cuz that'll be a killer!
@arialdo but that's just me and it'll certainly not replace my #CompactKeyboard with #UltraNav due to convenience...
@arialdo ...and then find out how to rebuild that with a #UltraNav-Style trackpint and get that done...
Espechally since TEX seems to have done just that with their Keyboards:
Cuz yes I do want to use a mouse sometimes...
@arialdo I mayself would want a 122-key "100%" Keyboard with an #UltraNav, but sadly #Unicomp discontinued the #Performa, #Lenovo does advanced #enshittification on the #UltraNav-Keyboards and besides the Pc122 for #Unicomp there are hardly any 122-key keyboards so I'm propably required to #DIY a nice board myself...
And I call that "Big Chungus" and would most likely forst customize a PC-122 ...
#DIY #enshittification #Lenovo #Performa #unicomp #ultranav
@kingu Or ideally something with solderless MX sockets and #UltraNav-Style #PointingStick AND 122 keys...
Kinda like an extended Version of the #TEX Yoda II
@amelia @fuchsiii That being said ,#Lenovo did axe the #ThinkPad Compact Keyboard with #UltraNav (USB) , I need another good #trackpoint keyboard anyway...
#trackpoint #ultranav #thinkpad #Lenovo
@fuchsiii Is it too much to ask to get a real, 100% board with an #UltraNav - style #TrackPoint.
In fact, if @frameworkcomputer were to make that as an accessory, I'd go full #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney on them!
#ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney #trackpoint #ultranav
You know #Japanese are #efficiency-driven when they literally have a localized "how to #UltraNav" tutorinal...
#efficiency #ultranav #japanese
@jesse do you have something with a #UltraNav aka. #TrackPoint in the middle?
@derekhyang I'm still sad that #Lenovo canceled the USB (wired) versions of the #TinkPad #CompactKeyboard with #UltraNav...
Cuz I'm like #UpIsNotJump on that field:
#upisnotjump #ultranav #compactkeyboard #TinkPad #Lenovo