The actual article discussing the effects of specific emulsifiers in ultra-processed foods (UPF):
#diet #health #food #upf #ultraprocessedfood
#UltraProcessedFood #FertigMahlzeiten sind ungesund!
"Die meisten FertigMahlzeiten sind keine Lebensmittel. Es sind eine industriell hergestellte essbare Substanzen." Fernanda Rauber
#ultraprocessedfood #fertigmahlzeiten
Concerns about #ultraprocessedfood continue to rise & certainly in the UK we have a #foodsystem geared to their delivery into the family home...
Part of the issue is supply, part is the question of education about #nutrition, but perhaps the biggest problem is the current system is structured to privilege the interests of the food industry mega-corps not the consumer... in other words 'healthy profits' are seen by Govt. as more important than healthy people
#ultraprocessedfood #foodsystem #nutrition
Ultra-processed food
Linked to later depression
Choose health instead today
#diet #depression #ultraprocessedfood #haiku #poetry
#Newsnight Good question. Is causality really established for #UltraProcessedFood? The answer is, not really. It's an interesting hypothesis. #UPF
#UPF #ultraprocessedfood #newsnight
This Primer explores a recent #PLOSBiology study revealing that maternal consumption of #emulsifiers, commonly used as additives in #ultraprocessedfood, can impact the brains, metabolism & behavior of offspring. Paper: Primer:
#ultraprocessedfood #emulsifiers #plosbiology
Eine Langfriststudie mit 10.000 Teilnehmern zeigt wieder mal: #ConvenienceFood auch #UltraProcessedFood vulgo #FertigMahlzeiten und ähnliches sind gesundheitsschädlich. Wer selbst aus frischen unverarbeiteten Lebensmitteln kocht lebt gesünder:
#conveniencefood #ultraprocessedfood #fertigmahlzeiten
Staying in a barn in Sussex for a week.
The host has left this gift.
I'm not sure I've ever seen anything more processed in my life.
Two contrasting views of #UltraprocessedFood:
Kevin Hall says we must reform global food systems.
Adam Gopnik says we should lighten up.
@CloudyMrs plausible explanation - Many people consuming Ultra Processed Food and reading newspapers = stupidity. #ultraprocessedfood #TheSunNewspaper #dailymail #climatechangedenial
#climatechangedenial #dailymail #thesunnewspaper #ultraprocessedfood
60 tot 80% van onze calorieën ultra processed voedsel. Van babies tot senioren, iedereen eet UP voedsel.
#ultraprocessedfood #vantulleken
Banning #UltraProcessedFood is not a nanny-state issue. It’s common sense
#Britain’s #health is a national scandal, not just because of the state of the #NHS, but because the government refuses to take action on our #diets
#ToryPoliciesInAction #Food #Sustainability
#sustainability #food #torypoliciesinaction #diets #nhs #health #britain #ultraprocessedfood
"Barbados fights Big Sugar for the survival of its people -The legacy of colonialism, modern-day conveniences and a diet high in fat and sugar have bequeathed the island a diabetes and high-blood pressure pandemic. But can health plans win out over corporate interests?
"Barbados, like other small island developing states, is fighting for its people’s survival. On this beautiful island, people wander daily into danger, swinging two-litre flasks of sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola as they step out of their cars, buying local fast food from the back of a van for lunch and queueing at Kentucky Fried Chicken or the local chain Chefette in the evening. The blessings of the modern convenience world have been visited upon small islands, with the result that more than half their people are dying prematurely from heart and lung conditions, cancer, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.
Blame is being laid at the door of the food industry. The world’s 57 small island developing states, or SIDS, as the UN collectively calls them, have particular vulnerabilities. They cannot grow enough fresh food for their populations and, as the climate crisis worsens, water is scarcer and storms wipe out entire fields of crops every year. So they are reliant on importing their food: for some islands as much as 90% of it. And much of what they import is ultra-processed food, high in calories with very little nutritional value."
#Barbados #Islands #IslandStates #BigFood #BigSugar #Capitalism #ProcessedFoods #Colonialism #Obesity #Diabetes #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #WHO #UN #UltraProcessedFood
#barbados #islands #islandstates #bigfood #BigSugar #capitalism #processedFoods #colonialism #obesity #diabetes #heartdisease #highbloodpressure #who #un #ultraprocessedfood
Our favorite dietary boogeyman today is #UltraProcessedFood. Plenty of correlation with poor health. Evidence of a mechanism for causing harm? Pretty shaky say the experts at Purdue Nutrition Science. But Christoffer van Tulleken has little doubt that it's doing us harm.
I've started listening to this:
I've only heard one episode so far, and they never use this specific word, but I'm struck by the way #UltraProcessedFood (UPF) is adversarial: it lies to your body about how nourishing it is in order to keep making you go back for more.
I've already started watching out for UPF and reducing my intake of it. The hardest part, by far, is going to be crisps.
Over dat zout zou ik me niet al teveel zorgen maken als je verder vers en onbewerkt eet. Dan is de zoutinname namelijk laag als je het zoutvaatje nauwelijks gebruikt.
De mate van bewerking is zorgelijker en wél ongezond. Letten op verzadigd vet en zout is in dit geval de #olifant-in-de-kamer missen: namelijk het feit dat deze vegaburgers (genoemde merken in de link) ultra-bewerkt zijn.
"Veel vegaburgers nog steeds ongezond vanwege te veel zout" -
Dit is een mooi voorbeeld van #healthwashing imho: een vleesvervanger, ultrabewerkt (vermijden denk je dan) maar met een Nutriscore A (de gezondste score). De consument wordt hier op het verkeerde been gezet en de overheid werkt er aan mee.
Mijn advies: eet vers en maak je eigen vleesvervanger uit o.a. peulvruchten (bonen) en noten.
#healthwashing #kwalijk #nutriscore #ultraprocessedfood #eetvers
Omdat ik weet dat #hoogbewerkt #voedsel (#ultraprocessedfood of #UPF) echt niet goed is voor onze gezondheid, heb ik hier zo'n moeite mee. De hele lijst ingrediënten die nodig is om hier iets van te maken dat op een vleesburger manmanman... 🙈 Knutselburgers noem ik ze. Daarom maak ik mijn eigen vegetarische burgers van echte ingrediënten.
#hoogbewerkt #voedsel #ultraprocessedfood #upf