Perché opporsi all’introduzione del riconoscimento biometrico negli stadi? #ultras
It was a really good march though... alas #sounders #Ultras #mastodonfc #seattle #footy #supporters #ebfg
#sounders #ultras #mastodonfc #seattle #footy #supporters #ebfg
Sehr interessanter Artikel zur Zweiten Mannschaft von Eintracht Frankfurt.
#eintrachtfrankfurt #frankfurt #ultras #leipzig #fussballgehörtdenFans #fgdf #u23 #amateure #Regionalliga #hessenliga #kassel #offenbach #NeinzuRB #mittelrheinliga #liga3 #sge
#eintrachtfrankfurt #frankfurt #ultras #leipzig #fussballgehortdenfans #fgdf #u23 #amateure #regionalliga #hessenliga #kassel #offenbach #NeinzuRB #mittelrheinliga #liga3 #sge
Greece seeks answers after deadly soccer fan violence
#Greece #Croatia #AEKAthens #DinamoZagreb #hooligans #soccer #ultras #BadBlueBoys #police
#police #badblueboys #ultras #soccer #hooligans #DinamoZagreb #aekathens #croatia #greece
Diese #StarWars #Ultras immer..
"Wenn du nix gutes über SW zu sagen hast, darfst du gar nicht reden. Nein. Sei still. Nix. Gar Nix."
#starwars #ultras #RadioNukular
Of course the internal politics of this within #labour are likely to remain fraught. It looks from press briefings that some people best described as #blair #ultras may have seized on arguments over #ulez extension, #ltns and #netzero as a golden opportunity to resume a #vendetta against specifically #edmiliband and #sadiqkhan that has gone already for the best part of twenty years and has at different times involved the support of the #murdochs and possibly even #berlusconi !
#labour #blair #ultras #ulez #ltns #netzero #vendetta #edmiliband #sadiqkhan #murdochs #berlusconi
#michaeljacobs is a voice that should and will be listened to. He ran the #fabiansociety in the late 1990s and worked subsequently for #gordonbrown. Very helpful indeed that he has stuck his head over the parapet on this issue at a time when some of the #ultras from the early part of the #blair government seem to be in full cry to water #green commitments down.
#michaeljacobs #fabiansociety #gordonbrown #ultras #blair #green
bella ciao! celtic green brigade season 22-23.
ps: ease up on the flares, lads.
#mastodonFC #glasgow #celtic #greenBrigade #ultras #cfc
#cfc #ultras #greenbrigade #celtic #glasgow #mastodonfc
Rugby italiano sempre più armato e militarizzato #ultras #sport
Heute ist es so weit! 14:30 Uhr übertragen wir eine Pressekonferenz mit den wichtigsten Infos live via Facebook und Instagram. Der Start des Crowdfundings lässt damit auch nicht mehr lang auf sich warten... 😉
#zwickau #fussball #ultras #sgd #fsv #bsg #sachsenring #fsvzwickau
#FSVZwickau #Sachsenring #bsg #fsv #sgd #ultras #fussball #zwickau
"Sticker wars als Untersuchungsgegenstand der Linguistic Landscape-Forschung" #Fußball #Ultras #Sprachwissenschaft
#fußball #ultras #Sprachwissenschaft
"Inside the brutal world of far-right football 'ultras': Shocking photos lift the lid on the extreme Dinamo Tbilisi 'Elita' whose code of violence is second to none"
#CalcioNapoliNews #UltimeNotizie #Napoli #scontri #ultras IL PROVVEDIMENTO Scontri fra ultras di Varese e Napoli, emessi 49 Daspo
#calcionapolinews #Ultimenotizie #napoli #scontri #ultras
Noch nach einigen Relegationsspielen war zuletzt das Geschrei wegen einzelner Randale groß. Wo aber sind die großen Schlagzeilen über Fans, die sich sozial engagieren? #HerthaBSC #harlekinsberlin #ultras
Beitrag von @renelauberlin
#herthabsc #harlekinsberlin #ultras
Un tema Al Día: Muera la inteligencia: el documento de estrategia PP-VOX
Episode webpage:
#derechas #ultras #fachos #espana #imbeciles #podcast
Wrote a little piece up on DIY powder for fueling runs and this year’s #ultras. Gist is 100 calories is 14g maltodextrin, 7g fructose, 3g MCT, 0.1g salt mixed with liquid of choice.
I’ve been mixing a large batch of powder, then making it as needed based on length of run.
#ultras #trailrunning #fueling #running #ultramarathon
#CalcioNapoliNews #regalo #spalletti #ultras #volante IL SIPARIETTOAddio a Spalletti, il “regalo” degli ultras del Napoli: il volante della Panda rubata
#calcionapolinews #regalo #spalletti #ultras #volante