Ethereum’s Transition to Proof-of-Stake Yields Deflationary Results - After the transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), Ethereum’s ... - #annualissuancerate #circulatingsupply #ethissuancerate #marketvaluation #ultrasoundmoney #ultrasoundmoney #cryptocurrency #londonhardfork #proof-of-stake #shanghaiupdate #smartcontracts #decentralized #inflationrate #cryptoassets #pos
#pos #cryptoassets #inflationrate #decentralized #smartcontracts #shanghaiupdate #proof #londonhardfork #cryptocurrency #ultrasoundmoney #marketvaluation #ethissuancerate #circulatingsupply #annualissuancerate
‘Ultra Sound’ Money — Simulation Shows Ethereum’s Inflation Rate Is Significantly Lower Using Proof-of-Stake - Its been 105 days since Ethereum transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchai... - #ofaccomplaintblocks #ethereumissuance #ethereumnetwork #ultrasoundmoney #londonhardfork #burnmechanism #ethereum(eth) #inflationrate #powsimulation #ethtransfers
#ethtransfers #powsimulation #inflationrate #ethereum #burnmechanism #londonhardfork #ultrasoundmoney #ethereumnetwork #ethereumissuance #ofaccomplaintblocks
Tras la exitosa actualización de #TheMerge llevada a cabo por #Ethereum la red ha comenzado a ser deflacionaria estas últimas semanas.
Su precio no ha caído demasiado, en parte gracias al staking obligatorio, tras el cese del cual, pueda pasar a ser un activo más atractivo para algunas entidades.
En el 2023 se espera la nueva actualizcaión #shangai podríamos ver una disminución en las tarifas.
Llegará #eth a ser #ultrasoundmoney ?
#themerge #Ethereum #shangai #eth #ultrasoundmoney
Hi fam, got around to set up Mastodon. Interested in all things #crypto #ethereum #ultrasoundmoney #web3 #defi
Where are the .eth folks here? 👀
#introduction #crypto #ethereum #ultrasoundmoney #web3 #defi
Report Shows Ethereum Supply Tanks By 5,500 ETH, What Does It Mean?
#UltrasoundMoney #Ethereum #ethereum #ETHUSDT #XEN
#ultrasoundmoney #ethereum #ETHUSDT #xen
‘Ultra Sound Money’ — Post-Merge Stats Show Ethereum’s Issuance Rate Plunged After PoS Transition
#Inflationperannum #UltraSoundMoney #bitcoinhalving #RulesetChanges #TheMergeChange #EthereumMerge #LondonUpgrade #deflationary #Inflationary #issuancerate #ParisUpgrade #Technology #SoundMoney #technology #BurnedETH #inflation #Codebase #EIP-1559 #Scarcity #TheMerge #0.24%
#Inflationperannum #ultrasoundmoney #bitcoinhalving #RulesetChanges #TheMergeChange #EthereumMerge #LondonUpgrade #deflationary #Inflationary #issuancerate #ParisUpgrade #technology #soundmoney #BurnedETH #Inflation #Codebase #EIP #Scarcity #TheMerge