#firefox #extension #noscript #jshelter #ublock #umatrix
NoScript блокирует загрузку отдельных скриптов или объектов. Всё то же самое умеют делать uBlock и uMatrix.
Дополнительно нужна защита от XSS, CSRF, позволяющая гибко настраивать правила, как в правилах файрвола. Помогает от всяких банков, которые любят прозванивать порты на
JShelter же блокирует/перехватывает доступ к конкретным API вызовам и либо блокирует либо подменяет на фейковые данные по гибким настройкам.
С помощью JShelter гораздо проще сломать сайт и не понять почему, но позволяет подменить трекинговые вызовы API, что не может сделать NoScript.
Достаточно зайти на сайт измерения фингерпринта (https://polcak.github.io/jsrestrictor/test/test.html) с NoScript и JShelter и увидеть, что JShelter значительно понижает уникальность, а NoScript лишь блокирует рекламные скрипты.
FAQ (https://jshelter.org/faq/)
blog (https://jshelter.org/blog/)
#firefox #extension #noscript #JShelter #ublock #umatrix
FYI, I think viewing #Misskey posts directly with #uMatrix will return something went wrong due to I've disable #ServiceWorker by default, better to allow it while browsing...
In Firefox or any forks of that, I think at least partitioned SW are acceptable.
#misskey #umatrix #serviceworker
Grumble grumble moan grumble... whine, whinge.
I've discovered today that my successful-for-years #uBlockOrigin #DynamicFilter settings that til now defeated #SBSAustralia's #OnDemand anti-#AdBlock defences, now fail. So far, i've been unable to further refine my settings to defeat their new defeat, meaning that to stream it hereafter, i have to disable #uBO, thus be subjected to the outrageous frequency & duration of ads. That, i ain't gonna do. So, it seems that once more, i need to abandon SBS.
Oh, also, even reinstalling #uMatrix & retweaking it, also has not helped. Curses.
#ublockorigin #dynamicfilter #sbsaustralia #ondemand #adblock #ubo #umatrix
@markrprior @fediversenews @fediverse @ruud @maegul #kbin.social ← #Cloudflare, yikes. Nuff said. All #Lemmy instances are broken for me. The top bar (“Communities”, “Create Post”,…) all have no effect in #UngoogledChromium w/ #uMatrix over tor. sopuli.xyz is about the oldest apart from lemmy.ml. Interesting that it’s losing ground on your chart.
#kbin #cloudflare #lemmy #ungoogledchromium #umatrix
Indépendamment des outils de développement intégrés aux navigateurs Web, est-ce que quelqu'un connaîtrait un outil logiciel qui permet de vérifier les cookies d'un site page par page svp ?
Si en plus l'outil permet de visualiser les flux en détail, je prends.
Nota : j'utilise déjà les outils des navigateurs ET le journal de #uMatrix. Il faut donc quelque chose de plus riche et précis.
🙏🏼 🌞
Je viens de passer sur ce site en français (youpi !) qui nous parle de #RMarkdown dans #RStudio.
Réalisé avec #Pandoc parmi d'autres.
Pas de cookie.
Le monde peut être beau et formidable.
Il a malheureusement quelques petits défauts… (qui se gèrent bien avec #uMatrix).
🙏🏼 🌞
#rmarkdown #rstudio #pandoc #umatrix
Since many people are joining #Lemmy these days, I just created #LemmyMatrix, a tool allowing people to generate #uBlockOrigin and #uMatrix rules for Lemmy known instances.
It's available through #Codeberg #pages:
#libre #freesoftware #opensource #foss #floss #pages #codeberg #umatrix #ublockorigin #lemmymatrix #lemmy
How about starting on the *social* part by *removing* #GAFAM from the https://www.eua.eu website? Currently both #Cloudflare and #GoogleTagManager are 3rd party websites that people without #uMatrix or #uBlockOrigin risk connecting to there.
And better *not* give hidden URLs (bit.ly/...); these encourage unsafe web browsing; "Check before you click!" A URL in out-of-the-box Mastodon counts for 23 characters no matter how long.
#surveillancecapitalism #ublockorigin #umatrix #googletagmanager #cloudflare #gafam
>get you past the paywall
I'd forgotten it has a notional PW; i've not seen it for years. It is EASILY circumvented simply with finessed #uBlockOrigin or #uMatrix dynamic filter settings.
If you block 3rd-party js using #uMatrix & you’ve rendered a contact form, how do you know if there’s a #CAPTCHA? #askFedi Sure the “www.google.com” uMatrix row suggests there might be one, which you then have to enable & reload just to see if “gstatic” appears, but this is sloppy & cumbersome.
Meta, or at least Instagram, won’t work with µMatrix Origin on Firefox, even if the extension is merely activated but told to ignore instagram.com completely. It should work, but doesn’t. Either it’s a flaw in µMatrix’s code (which I doubt) or proprietary BS from Zuckerberg’s minions.
#Meta #Instagram #Facebook #SocialMedia #Surveillance #uMatrix #Firefox
#meta #instagram #facebook #socialmedia #surveillance #umatrix #firefox
Mach ich auch so. Ich gehe mit #umatrix unter Firefox als Standardbrowser sogar den "schwereren" weg. (Einfacher ist es mit #ublockorigin)
Allerdings werden bei umatrix die Scripte von der Originaldomain zugelassen.
@bionk @kubikpixel
Das war meine Bedingung. Keine Scripts und cookies , die esxtern genutzt werden. Ich habe #umatrix installiert und kann das auch checken.
Die Seite setzt auf Wordpress auf.
@pleignjayne I'm waiting on Web Extensions support for #Nyxt so I can just shove #umatrix & #ublock on it.
There's otherwise nothing else from #Firefox I'd really miss.
Being able to add #CommonLisp modules to do whatever I want is much stronger than other userscripts extensions.
#nyxt #umatrix #ublock #firefox #commonlisp