"When considering food web properties, however, #wolves (Canis lupus) and #cougars (Felis concolor) served as better umbrellas that also captured food web properties such as connectance, links and nestedness that better reflect ecological interactions. Our results support the role of large #carnivores as umbrella and ecologically interactive species in #conservation planning."
#conservation #UmbrellaSpecies #habitats #ecology #FoodWebs
#wolves #cougars #carnivores #conservation #umbrellaspecies #habitats #ecology #foodwebs
RT @ElephantsIEF@twitter.com
Do you know that protecting elephants helps the entire ecosystem and all the creatures who live within? Elephants are known as #umbrellaspecies bc efforts to help them (patrols, habitat protection, & stopping wildlife conflict) also benefit other animals
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElephantsIEF/status/1593982736976728064
#themoreyouknow #umbrellaspecies