#umBristol organisers meeting. Working out our #umbraco meetup schedule for the upcoming months.
#umBristol #meetup on 16 August is now online https://www.meetup.com/umBristol/events/294056003
Aimee Smith - A first timers #Codegarden experience
Aaron Green - Contribution: A story of hubris, learning and making friends
Matt Begent - A look at Accessibility reporter
#umbristol #meetup #codegarden #umbraco #bristol
Reminder for this evening's #umBristol
#umbraco #Bristol #meetup
#umbristol #umbraco #bristol #meetup
Come and join us for an evening of #umbraco talks at our next #umBristol #meetup on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, 6:30pm.
Kindly hosted by True Digital, 42-46 Baldwin Street, #Bristol.
More details and RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/umbristol/events/294055985/
#umbraco #umbristol #meetup #bristol