If anyone wants to find and connect with local Mastodonians, I recommend saying hi in your city's or region's hashtag.
It's also a good idea to follow the hashtags to get notified by stuff that's happening there!
Hello #Umeå, #Västerbotten, #Norrland, #Sweden!
#umea #vasterbotten #norrland #sweden
Great first day of #ICAM2023!
Sun, science, good food and great company 💙
Welcome to Umeå!
#marinescience #oceanscience #corallinealgae #maerl #rhodolith #cca #marineecology #marinegeology #marinebiogeochemistry #sverige #sweden #umeå
#icam2023 #marinescience #oceanscience #corallinealgae #maerl #rhodolith #cca #marineecology #marinegeology #marinebiogeochemistry #sverige #sweden #umea
Jag köpte just biljett till #HouseOfMetal som håller till i #Umeå i November!
Ses vi där?
#houseofmetal #umea #mastometal
Just a week to go until the 7th International Coralline Algae Meeting (#ICAM2023)!
Today we are busy-bees packing up the delegate welcome packs and finalising the last details!
We look forward to welcoming our delegates to #Umeå very soon!
#seaweed #coralline #corallinealgae #maerl #rhodolith #macroalgae #marineecology #marinegeology #marineconservation #marinebiogeochemistry #taxonomy #marinescience #sweden #umeauniversity #umeåuniversitet #vasterbotten #sverige
#icam2023 #umea #seaweed #coralline #corallinealgae #maerl #rhodolith #macroalgae #marineecology #marinegeology #marineconservation #marinebiogeochemistry #taxonomy #marinescience #sweden #umeauniversity #umeauniversitet #vasterbotten #sverige
The northern #Baltic is experiencing a serious #heatwave right now - up to 5 degrees centigrade above the 1985-2012 average!!🌡️🔥
#ClimateChange is here! 😬
Our research at @Umea_Uni_Marine at #UmeåUniversity advancing our understanding of climate change impacts, and investigating how we can continue to sustainably use our oceans for the benefit of all
#BalticSea #sustainabledevelopment #marinescience #sdg14 #sweden #umeå #marinebiology #research #academicchatter
#baltic #heatwave #climatechange #umeauniversity #balticsea #sustainabledevelopment #marinescience #sdg14 #sweden #umea #marinebiology #research #academicchatter
Egentligen önskar jag regn i #Umeå men det vågar jag inte säga för då får vi väl ett skyfall som spolar bort halva stan.
För övrigt anser jag fortfarande att det var vansinne att flytta biblioteket till älvbrinken och placera magasinet under vattenlinjen.
So, it's been a while since I did an #Introduction #ConnectionList #TwitterMigration post where, I find interesting people for you to follow on #Mastodon, and use my reach to more closely connect the #Fediverse :fediverse:
@ANUResearch is the official Mastodon account of #ANU Research (I think, it all looks very legit, but I don't know the person behind the account) #research #university 🇦🇺
@drwaus is the new official account for Digital Rights Watch in Australia (h/t to all the good work Sam @floreani is doing in this space - don't forget to catch her #keynote at @pyconau@fosstodon.org later this month!)
@AoIR is the official Association of #Internet #Researchers account. Read more at https://aoir.org/about 🇺🇸
Professor @nilsph1 works in #knowledge organisation and information retrieval #IR at the Department of Archive, Library and Information Studies at #Oslo Metropolitan University @oslomet :flag-no:
@fionatribe is an #anthropologist, workplace #strategist and #ethnographer who works in #architecture and #OrgDesign 🇦🇺
@dcm is Dimitri Coelho Mollo, an Assistant #Professor in the Philosophy of #AI at #Umeå University :flag-se:
@anders is a #Communication strategist for #AI #Sweden :flag-se:
@rachaelvdm is a #MetaData #librarian #GLAM interested in #nature #art #history 🇳🇱 🇦🇺
@bentarnoff is a technical #writer, who recently wrote a brilliant piece on Joseph #Weizenbaum for The Guardian. You should read it. 🇺🇸
@observablehq is the official account of the #dataviz platform, based on #D3js from @mbostock
That's all for today, don't forget to share your own #ConnectionList, particularly as we say #RIPTwitter ❤️
#introduction #connectionlist #twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #anu #research #university #keynote #internet #researchers #knowledge #ir #oslo #anthropologist #strategist #ethnographer #architecture #orgdesign #professor #ai #umea #communication #sweden #metadata #librarian #glam #nature #art #history #writer #weizenbaum #dataviz #d3js #riptwitter
Ny #introduktion eftersom jag flyttat:
Psykolog och fil. dr. i psykologi. De senaste åren har jag arbetat som skolpsykolog och vill gärna fortsätta med det. Bor i #Umeå men siktar mot #Stockholm. Pappa till två tonåringar (som jag försöker locka till #Mastodon Musiker.
Jag skulle vilja "tuta" om psykologi, klimat, politik och lite vardagsliv, men jag tycker aldrig att det jag har att säga är viktigt nog. Jag tänkte försöka ändra på det. Engagera mig gärna i frågor om psykologi och psykiatri!
#mastodon #stockholm #umea #introduktion
Started the day with a 3h train ride from #Aberystwyth to Birmingham, then 8h of flying and waiting. Now 9h on the train before getting back to #Umeå. At least I get some kind of appreciation of the distance. And going by train is much more “humane” than traveling by plane
Quick note: First #BSidesUme in #Umeå #Sweden is happening on June 27!!!
Talks include:
* Leif Nixon on How to #Hack a Country
* #Quantum Computers and #Encryption with Jens Bohlin
* and Klaus Agnoletti on Living with ADHD in #Infosec
full info here: https://indico.neic.no/event/244/
some tickets still available--but register soon!
if you're not local, Umeå has convenient connections by air, train and ferry (to #Vasa #Finland) you can hit up @maswan or @petter@mastodon.acc.umu.se for local info
#BSides in Umeå! Wow!
#bsides #finland #vasa #infosec #encryption #quantum #hack #sweden #umea #bsidesume
Quick note: First #BSidesUme in #Umeå #Sweden is happening on June 27!!!
Talks include:
* Leif Nixon on How to #Hack a Country
* #Quantum Computers and #Encryption with Jens Bohlin
* and Klaus Agnoletti on Living with ADHD in #Infosec
full info here: https://indico.neic.no/event/244/
some tickets still available--but register soon!
if you're not local, Umeå has convenient connections by air, train and ferry (to #Vasa #Finland) you can hit up @maswan or @petter@mastodon.acc.umu.se for local info
#BSides in Umeå! Wow!
#bsides #finland #vasa #infosec #encryption #quantum #hack #sweden #umea #bsidesume
Right now, #Saariaho's 'Adriana Mater' with Sventelius, Tjønn, Mills and Spungin from #Umeå https://buff.ly/417LZD8 #wch
In 25 minutes, #Saariaho's 'Adriana Mater' with Sventelius, Tjønn, Mills and Spungin from #Umeå https://buff.ly/417LZD8 #wch
Today, #Saariaho's 'Adriana Mater' with Sventelius, Tjønn, Mills and Spungin from #Umeå https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/saariahos_adriana_mater_with_sventelius_tjnn_mills_and_spungin_from_ume/75512/ #wch
Spring cleaning in #Umeå. Over a period of about eight weeks, municipal contractors are going to sweep up and sieve all of the grit laid on roads and pavements over the winter months. Grit, rather than salt, provides traction for pedestrians and cyclists on the winter ice.
Glorious weather in Umeå this week - spring definitely feels like it is coming fast... I look forward to seeing the first flower in our new garden!
#umeå #umeauniversity #umeauniversitet #sunshine #lunchbreak #Lake #campus #spring #vår #snowmelt
#umea #umeauniversity #umeauniversitet #sunshine #lunchbreak #lake #campus #spring #var #snowmelt