Download The foundational model of Umio Real Experience Flow Creation® thinking. Includes all the different types and relations of entities that constitute #realexperience. Helps to see and learn how they interact to originate, form, differentiate and variously stabilise real experiences in duration, both individually and collectively. #umio #bergson
#realexperience #umio #bergson
Here's a first set of hashtags - look forward to connecting with you.
#affect #realexperience #umio #interactionalcreation #experienceecosystems #health #valuecreation #cocreation #bergson #whitehead #deleuze #guattari #assemblagetheory #speculativegeography #speculativeempiricism #interactionalcreationofhealth #architecture #urbandesign #socialdeterminants #healthinequity #jobstobedone #chronicpain
Hi. Its’s cool to be here. Here’s my #introduction. I’m a creator, adviser, writer and independent lecturer-scholar based near Oxford, U.K. I created #Umio to express my thinking and methods for addressing problems and possibilities of health and wider wellbeing in more-than-human real experience. I run the Umio Community for Real Experience Flow Creation where you can grab a load of content at
It’s time to rethink the social determinants of health. Download my latest paper in the #Umio Community for Real Experience Flow Creation.