The two #cedar #woodcarved & #painted panels mounted beside entry doors at #UmistaCulturalCentre in #AlertBay on #CormorantIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada .
#NamgisNation #NamgisTerritory #BCCoast #BCNorthIslands #CoastalBC #Westcoast #Indigenous #FirstNations #art #culture #TourismBC #NativeArt #woodcarvings
#cedar #woodcarved #painted #umistaculturalcentre #alertbay #cormorantisland #britishcolumbia #canada #namgisnation #namgisterritory #bccoast #bcnorthislands #coastalbc #westcoast #indigenous #firstnations #art #culture #tourismbc #nativeart #WoodCarvings
Walking around the grounds at #UmistaCulturalCentre in the rain. Yesterday.
#GalentinesWeek #AlertBay #CormorantIsland #BCCoast #BCNorthIslands #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest #NamgisTerritory #NamgisNation #BCFirstNations #IndigenousLandback
#umistaculturalcentre #galentinesweek #alertbay #cormorantisland #bccoast #bcnorthislands #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest #namgisterritory #namgisnation #bcfirstnations #indigenouslandback
This #TotemPole is laying on ground because it has a #broken #thunderbird #wing that needs to be put back on. The colours are very vivid in the rain.
#NamgisTerritory #NamgisNation #UmistaCulturalCentre #totem #IndigenousArt #NativeArt #IndigenousCulture #AlertBay #CormorantIsland #BCCoast #BCFirstNations #FirstPeoples #Westcoast #BritishColumbia #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest
#totempole #broken #thunderbird #wing #namgisterritory #namgisnation #umistaculturalcentre #totem #Indigenousart #nativeart #indigenousculture #alertbay #cormorantisland #bccoast #bcfirstnations #firstpeoples #westcoast #britishcolumbia #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest
#UmistaCulturalCentre was built on grounds of now demolished St. Michael's #ResidentialSchool in #AlertBay on #CormorantIsland . Owned & run by #NamgisNation on #NamgisTerritory . It houses their #potlatch #artifacts repatriated from colonizers who stole them. No photos allowed inside.
#GalentinesWeek #BCHistory #CanadasUglyHistory #EveryChildMatters #Reclaimed #NeverForget #IndianAct #BritishColumbia #BCCoast #history #Reclamation #NativeUprising #IndigenousJustice #Landback
#umistaculturalcentre #residentialschool #alertbay #cormorantisland #namgisnation #namgisterritory #potlatch #artifacts #galentinesweek #bchistory #canadasuglyhistory #everychildmatters #reclaimed #neverforget #indianact #britishcolumbia #bccoast #history #reclamation #nativeuprising #indigenousjustice #Landback