Alaric Hall · @alarichall
77 followers · 149 posts · Server

Well this is cool news! As one of the researchers, Artur Obluski, says on Twitter, 'Seems that gods of excavations favoured us in the very last season of ERC_Research grant . We found not only the stone blocks from walls and floor of a temple of of but also enigmatic complex of chambers covered with wall paintings and inscriptions dated probably to around 1276 CE One of the paintings presents king David of Makuria in intimate and dynamic scene with Michael and kissing the hand of the latter and probably begging for protection of the city of (Old Dongola) against the wrath of unique for art The other painting shows in a unique, uncommon way and as far as I'm concerned unknown in holding a book in one and a cross in other hand and dressed in kind of monochromatic greyish robe".

#medieval #umma #napatan #Amun #gematon #KaWa #archangel #christ #tungul #mamluks #christian #motherofgod #iconography

Last updated 2 years ago

, and after over half of the movie, I'm sure I've seen it before. Can't remember exactly how it ends.

God, my memory is shit.

I wonder if that comes from my ECT, Parkinson's related cognitive impairment, or just having watched way too many movies. 😹

#nowwatching #umma

Last updated 2 years ago

Johan Roux 🏳️‍🌈 · @RouxJ
2127 followers · 3710 posts · Server

The head of 's largest publishing house , , was sentenced to 17 years in prison on charges of financing terrorism.

Ezhaev denied all charges and any links to terrorist organizations.

⁉️ but they sentenced him for 🤷‍♂️

#russia #islamic #umma #aslambekezhaev #russiaisaterroriststate #terrorism

Last updated 2 years ago

What could we and do together?

A group of Jews & Muslims assembled at the Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles, and also at City Hall, and performed their prayers together publicly. The day ended with a rooftop Isha’a, the Muslim midnight prayer while the Jewish participants recited Piyyutim, liturgical poetry.

We could do such things in our own community.


#jews #muslims #tefila #interfaith #islam #jewish #brotherhood #umma #ummah

Last updated 2 years ago

dondasch · @dondasch
22 followers · 365 posts · Server

I finished watching The Darkness today and it has opened all sorts of new questions. I went down a rabbit hole about David Mazouz and it appears that he played a very similar character in another movie called

I will have to watch that at a later time I think. However, thanks to the wonder of "similar choices" on I have discovered an absolutely incredible movie called which stars Sandra Oh. I was amazed and thrilled with this movie !! Loved the folklore in it from a Korean perspective. Outstanding movie and cannot recommend enough.

#incarnate #netflix #umma #lore #korea #koreanlore #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

dondasch · @dondasch
25 followers · 415 posts · Server

I finished watching The Darkness today and it has opened all sorts of new questions. I went down a rabbit hole about David Mazouz and it appears that he played a very similar character in another movie called

I will have to watch that at a later time I think. However, thanks to the wonder of "similar choices" on I have discovered an absolutely incredible movie called which stars Sandra Oh. I was amazed and thrilled with this movie !! Loved the folklore in it from a Korean perspective. Outstanding movie and cannot recommend enough.

#incarnate #netflix #umma #lore #korea #koreanlore #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

Mohammad Rasoul · @mohammadrasoul
21 followers · 15 posts · Server

Downtown Kuala Lumpur at night. Part of photo series.

#Mastodon #art #photography #umma

Last updated 2 years ago

Mohammad Rasoul · @mohammadrasoul
21 followers · 15 posts · Server

Downtown Kuala Lumpur at night. Part of photo series.

#Mastodon #art #photography #umma

Last updated 2 years ago

Mohammad Rasoul · @mohammadrasoul
21 followers · 15 posts · Server

Downtown Kuala Lumpur at night. Part of photo series.

#Mastodon #art #photography #umma

Last updated 2 years ago