Thanks for posting. I follow the #maine media sites daily especially for anything health or medical related and haven't seen this yet.
Apparently his mom is a #pediatric #picu doc fired by EMMC.
He's a 15 year old college junior at #umaine #umo
#umaine #umo #maine #pediatric #PICU #northernlight #emmc #bangor #slapp
Here's my new #playlist of 20 songs for your week. It has old favourites & newly discovered #music
Music ft. Jazz legends in tracks by #SteelyDan #SimpleMinds #PiL #ScrittiPolitti #ElvisCostello + songs from the film #GrossPointeBlank: #Queen #GunsNRoses #TheSpecials #TheClash Some new stuff from #UMO & #Orbital. Plus #Pulp in tribute to Steve Mackey who we sadly lost last week
Please take a listen, follow & boost if that's your bag
#playlist #music #SteelyDan #simpleminds #PIL #scrittipolitti #elviscostello #grosspointeblank #queen #GunsNRoses #TheSpecials #TheClash #umo #orbital #pulp #nowplaying #AlskisTootPlaylist
#BestNewMusic2023 Week 8
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Nadja
#bestnewmusic2023 #unknownmortalorchestra #umo
#BestNewMusic2023 Week 8
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Nadja
#bestnewmusic2023 #unknownmortalorchestra #umo
#mastomusic #mastoradio #unknownmastoorchestra
In attesa dell’uscita di V programmata il 17/03, gli #umo rilasciano "Layla" e l’hype sale.
#mastomusic #mastoradio #unknownmastoorchestra #umo
#mastomusic #mastoradio #unknownmastoorchestra
In attesa dell’uscita di V programmata il 17/03, gli #umo rilasciano "Layla" e l’hype sale.
Riguardo Layla: tanta roba la chitarra di Ruben, rende sempre l’atmosfera evanescente.
#mastomusic #mastoradio #unknownmastoorchestra #umo
Global News BC: New electronic fare collection system in the works for B.C. transit riders https://globalnews.ca/news/9456343/electronic-fare-collection-pilot-b-c-transit/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #electronicfarecollectionsystem #transitpilotproject #NewFarecollection #Okanaganbusfare #OkanaganTransit #BCTransit #Canada #UMO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #electronicfarecollectionsystem #transitpilotproject #newfarecollection #okanaganbusfare #okanagantransit #BCTransit #Canada #umo