#UMPlus - Colors over the Grand Canyon
The excellent image taken by Antoine Grelin shows the Grand Canyon, a sinuous rock formation located along the Colorado River, a colorful and steep gorge carved over millions of years in northern Arizona, United States. It is located for the most part within the Grand Canyon National Park, one of the.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Caldwell 90
Caldwell 90, also cataloged as NGC 2867, is an almost spherical planetary nebula located at a distance of.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #cosmology #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Galaxy UGC 1281
The thin, star-studded speck running through this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope is the galaxy UGC 1281. Seen edge-on from our perspective, it lies in the direction of the Triangulum constellation and is located at a distance of about 18 million years. light of the.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - The White Throne in Zion National Park
The image by astronomer David Lane shows a rocky landscape in Zion National Park, in Utah, United States. This image was one of the most difficult jobs David did when practicing astrophotography. In fact, he was close to abandoning this project, but his tenacity and his ability to process images has.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - UGC 8201 Galaxy
The galaxy UGC 8201, captured here by the Hubble Space Telescope, is an irregular dwarf galaxy, named for its small size and chaotic structure. It is located just under 15 million light years from the Milky Way in the direction of the Draco Constellation. As with most dwarf galaxies, it is a member of.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Galaxy LEDA 51017
LEDA 51017 appears here as a streak of stars in the image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. It is classified as a compact blue dwarf galaxy and was well studied for having an interesting star formation history. Astronomers initially thought it was a young galaxy undergoing its first burst of.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Supernova remnant RCW 114
The image by the Atacama Photographic Observatory APO team of astronomers, composed of astronomers Thierry Demange, Richard Galli and Thomas Petit, shows a stellar and nebulous landscape located in the direction of the Scorpius Constellation, on the border with the.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Star birth in Ara
The protostellar object called OH 339.88-1.26 is hidden in this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. It is located at a distance of about 8,900 light years from Earth and is located in the direction of the Ara Constellation. The field of view is crossed by sinuous lines of dark dust, which is.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Infrared view of M51
The elegant, sinuous spiral arms of the grandly designed galaxy Messier 51 stretch across this image taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. Unlike the collection of weird and wonderful spiral galaxies with irregular or interrupted spiral arms, highly designed.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Geminids 2022 by Juan Carlos Casado
The spectacular image by astronomer Juan Carlos Casado shows the moment of maximum of the Geminid meteor shower of 2022. They have been observed from November 19 to December 24, with the largest number of meteors between December 12 and 14. meteors that passed through the.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - NGC 2865
This image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows an elliptical galaxy called NGC 2865. It is located just over 100 million light years from the Milky Way and is located in the direction of the Hydra Constellation. Elliptical galaxies are usually full of old and dying stars. NGC 2865, however, is.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Galaxy ESO 162-17
ESO 162-17, seen here in a Hubble Space Telescope image, is a galaxy located at a distance of 40 million light-years from the Milky Way and located in the direction of the constellation Carina. At first glance it looks like a normal galaxy containing dark spots and bright regions made up of.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Reflection nebula VdB 145
VdB 145, seen here in the center of this Astrophotography by Emil Ivanov astronomer image, is a small reflection nebula located toward the constellation Cygnus. It is located in the northeastern part of the constellation, less than 1° Southwest of the bright star Pi.02 Cyg, in the direction of.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Galaxy UGC 5797
UGC 5797, taken in this image by the Hubble Space Telescope, is a galaxy with emission lines, which means that it is currently undergoing active star formation. The result is a stellar population that is constantly being renewed as massive, bright-blue stars are formed. Galaxies with.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - CNGC 3199 by Ken Crawford
NGC 3199, also cataloged as Gum 28 and RCW 48 and seen here in an excellent image by astronomer Ken Crawford, is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Carina. It is an arc shock surrounding the central star WR 18, an energetic Wolf-Rayet star. Wolf-Rayet type stars, abbreviated as WR, are.....
#astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Planetary nebula ESO 134-7
ESO 134-7, also cataloged as Henize 2-111 among other designations and seen here in an excellent collaboration image by astronomers Mark Hanson and Alexandr Zaytsev, is a type I bipolar asymmetric planetary nebula. It lies at a distance of about 6,800 light years from the.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Galaxy LEDA 18431
There are many galaxies in the Universe and even though there is a lot of space, they tend to stick together. The Milky Way, for example, is part of a large gathering of more than fifty galaxies known as the Local Group. Groups of galaxies like this join together to form even.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Messier 45 by Alson Wong
Messier 45, popularly known as Pleiades, and also cataloged as Melotte 22 and Collinder 42 among many other designations, is an open star cluster that is located in the direction of the constellation of Taurus and is located at a distance of 444 light years from the.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - M102 by Lóránd Fényes
Also known as the Spindle Galaxy, Messier 102 is a galaxy that is seen edge-on, for this reason its reddish bulge surrounding a bright nucleus stands out, while a bluish disk full of stars is seen together with a fine line of dust and an outer halo. semitransparent. M102's dust lane is slightly deformed compared to.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography
#UMPlus - Caldwell 89
This bright collection of stars captured in infrared light by the Hubble Space Telescope is the open star cluster Caldwell 89, also cataloged as NGC 6087. This open cluster consists of approximately 40 stars, the brightest of which near the center of the image, is the.....
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#umplus #astronomy #space #astrophysics #astrophotography