Today in Labor History August 10, 1901: The U.S. Steel recognition strike by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (AA) began. AA formed in 1876 and was declining significantly in size and power by 1901. Technological advances had caused significant downsizing in the steel industry, with many highly skilled workers being fired and replaced by more easily interchangeable, and more poorly trained, workers to operate the newer machines. In 1892, AA had lost the infamous Homestead strike, against Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick, in which 12 people were killed. By 1901, nearly all the major metal fabricators had joined the new U.S. Steel trust, including J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie. AA saw the writing on the wall and made a last-ditch, desperate attempt to organize all the steel and tin workers before the limitless resources of the new trust could crush them. And they failed, rather quickly and spectacularly, when the strike ended on September 14, 1901.
In the aftermath of the strike, many of the socialist and anarchist union leaders, and rank and file workers, blamed Samuel Gompers (of the newish American Federation of Labor) and Johnny Mitchell (of the United Mine Workers) of being too cozy with the corporate bosses and politicians, and of selling them out. This led to increasing conflict in the following years between the more radical elements of the labor movement and the more mainstream tendencies. It slowed down the growth of the conservative AFofL and, ultimately, to Mitchell’s removal as head of the UMW, in 1908. The AA, however, grew increasingly conservative, and weaker, and by 1909 ceased to be a relevant force in the labor movement.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #union #strike #steel #socialism #carnegie #JPMorgan #umw #afl #samuelGompers #anarchism #WorkerMassacre
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #steel #socialism #carnegie #jpmorgan #umw #afl #samuelgompers #anarchism #workermassacre
I always do Caturday Saturday... how about Haturday Saturday? I have and wear MANY hats...
#cat #cats #hat #hats #cap #caps #Caturday #Haturday #Saturday #Montana #Dillon #golf #Everton #essential #nonessential #hathat #Sandpiper #Grizzlies #Bobcats #MontanaState #Utah #Utes #Western #UMW #Bulldogs #home #hatsofmastodon
#cat #cats #hat #hats #cap #caps #caturday #haturday #saturday #montana #dillon #golf #everton #essential #nonessential #hathat #sandpiper #grizzlies #bobcats #montanastate #utah #utes #western #umw #bulldogs #home #hatsofmastodon
Today in Labor History April 12, 1900: Florence Reece was born. Reece was an activist in the Harlan County, Kentucky, coal strikes, and author of the song, “Which Side Are You On?” She wrote the song in 1931, during a UMW strike, in response to Sheriff Blair’s thugs, who beat & murdered union leaders. Florence wrote the song on an old wall calendar while her home was being ransacked by Blair’s goons.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #FlorenceReece #Harlan #coal #mining #union #strike #WhichSideAreYouOn #umw
#workingclass #LaborHistory #florencereece #harlan #coal #mining #union #strike #whichsideareyouon #umw
Today in Labor History April 3, 1891: Deputized members of the National Guard fired on immigrant strikers in the Morewood massacre, in Pennsylvania. They killed at least ten workers and injured dozens more. The workers were organized with the new United Mine Workers, and were fighting Henry Clay Frick, the same industrialist responsible for the massacre at Homestead the following year, and the man who anarchist Alexander Berkman attempted to assassinate, also in 1892.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #massacre #anarchism #AlexanderBerkman #HenryClayFrick #strike #umw
#workingclass #LaborHistory #massacre #anarchism #alexanderberkman #henryclayfrick #strike #umw
Today in Labor History January 25, 1915: The Supreme Court upheld "yellow dog" contracts, which forbid membership in labor unions. The United Mine Workers Journal wrote, in 1921: “This agreement has been well named… It reduces to the level of a yellow dog any man that signs it, for he signs away every right he possesses under the Constitution and laws of the land and makes himself the truckling, helpless slave of the employer.” Yellow dog contracts remained valid until the Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #yellowdog #scab #SCOTUS #supremecourt #mining #umw #union #wageslavery
#workingclass #LaborHistory #yellowdog #scab #SCOTUS #supremecourt #mining #umw #union #wageslavery
Today in Labor History January 22, 1890: The Knights of Labor Trade Assembly No. 135 and the National Progressive Miners Union merged to form the United Mine Workers of America. Their initial goals were improved mine safety, impendence from company stores, and collective bargaining. In 1898, they won the 8-hour day. By the 1930s, the UMW had over 800,000 members. However, their history was filled with bloody strikes. On April 3, 1891, deputized members of the National Guard killed at least 10 striking UMW members in the Morewood massacre. The cops killed 19 striking UMW members in the Lattimer Massacre, September 10, 1897. Eight UMW members and five private detectives died in the Battle of Virden, in October 1898.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #KnightsOfLabor #UnitedMineWorkers #umw #strike #massacre #mining #8hourday
#workingclass #LaborHistory #knightsoflabor #unitedmineworkers #umw #strike #massacre #mining #8hourday
Today in Labor History January 6, 1970: West Virginia miners launched a wildcat strike to protest the murder of their union reform leader Joseph "Jock" Yablonski.
#LaborHistory #workingclass #umw #union #wildcat #strike
Today in Labor History January 5, 1970: Kenneth Yablonski, son of United Mine Workers reform candidate Joseph "Jock" Yablonski, discovered the bodies of his father, mother and sister. Assassins had murdered them on December 31, 1969, on orders from UMW President Tony Boyle. The authorities later arrested Boyle and convicted him for the murders.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #umw #union #assassination
#OTD in 1920, coal miner John Lewis becomes president of the #UMW.
Lewis fought to organize workers through the Depression, when the number of workers in the coal industry fell dramatically, and led his union in and out of federation with both the AFL and CIO (which he helped found).
His commitment to industrial unionization helped unionize the rubber, steel, and automobile industries as well.
#OTD in 1969, #UMW reformer Jock Yablonski, his wife Margaret, and their daughter Charlotte were killed after he challenged Tony Boyle, then the union's president, for leadership of the mine workers' organization.
Ultimately the corrupt #union leadership went to jail and a reform coalition including Yablonski's lawyer son, Chip, and future #AFLCIO president Richard Trumka took over the UMW.
aufprämie für Plug-In Hybride abschaffen!
Plug-In Hybride sind Dreckschleudern
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If Capitalism was the default, you'd find it among apes. Instead Capitalism is a recent invention and it's always evolving towards stronger concentration of wealth.
But let's recap.
By now we know that wealth generation (by technology) doesn't prevent its concentration during distribution and how such concentration subtracts such wealth from being distributed (by definition).
Just like a dam at the river head, people concentrating wealth subtract to those who would get down the flow (think of Bezos and #Amazon employees).
Furthermore you accept that people are not rational agent: they are continuously manipulated through their biases (the "behavioral futures" that #Surveillance capitalist trade) to buy products they don't need (thus NOT generating wealth, but giving away their own wealth).
Also (as far as I can see in this thread) you don't contest the fact that corporation aren't rational either as they optimize one single scalar dimension, profit: the net wealth built by corporation that maximize profits is negative as soon as you take the externalities into account.
Now the point of a #UMW (Universal Maximum Wealth) is not to punish anyone for harming anyone else. And it's not even a way to turn irrational people into rational one! (for that we need education, with a strong focus on #History and #Informatics, see
UMW is just a way to build a simple and effective incentive system designed balance #collaboration and #competition.
One the drive to accumulate more wealth is balanced by the need to increase the wealth of everybody else, corporations will have fewer and fewer reasons to fool people through #marketing.
So while people will stay as irrational as they already are, there will be no advantage to exploit their bias.
In that context, #AdamSmith's #trust would be possible again, raising the probability of actual wealth creation by rational trades.
Basically, in such framework Capitalism could probably work.
Now, you see all this is flawed, but you didn't explain (or I didn't understood) how.
#amazon #surveillance #umw #history #informatics #collaboration #competition #marketing #adamsmith #trust