Merci au secrétaire général des Nations Unies d’« exhorter les pays à trouver des solutions pour garantir l’accès à une eau propre et salubre . La France à la responsabilité d’en montrer le chemin !
#WorldMetDay #UN2023WaterConference
#worldmetday #un2023waterconference
There is a global water crisis. Sustainable water management is urgently needed. Over 2bn people don't have access to safe drinking water! Climate change is making it worse.
At #UN2023WaterConference 🇩🇪 is pushing #WaterAction and #SDG6 to the top of the global agenda.#WorldWaterDay
#un2023waterconference #wateraction #sdg6 #worldwaterday
If you're interested in #WorldWaterDay today and #UN2023WaterConference this week in New York it's being covered quite well by UN WebTV
#worldwaterday #un2023waterconference
RT @DUPC_Programme
Together with 30+ partners 🌍, we launched the #TransformativeWaterPact in the run up to 💧#UN2023WaterConference. Curious, find out more -
#transformativewaterpact #un2023waterconference
Today is World Water Day - and 1st day of #un2023waterconference, first of its kind since 1977! On this occasion, @unescoWATER publishes its brandnew #WorldWaterReport for the @UN. @unesco_de presents the German version of the Executive Summary (
#un2023waterconference #worldwaterreport - The 5 main focus areas of this year's #UnitedNations conference on global #water issues. #UN2023WaterConference global #infrastructure
#unitednations #water #un2023waterconference #infrastructure
Water is everyone's business! 🚰
The big UN Water Conference will start on Tuesday 21 March.
Germany will be an active partner at #UN2023WaterConference 🇺🇳🇩🇪
and we join the global call to take #WaterAction now.
#un2023waterconference #wateraction #globalgoals #sdg6 #water
To highlight the importance of #research and #scientific evidence in addressing the #water-related challenges, @Nature provides a great collection of research articles from the #NaturePortfolio that aligns with the discussion themes of the #UN2023WaterConference.
The articles are available for free for 2 weeks, starting March 13, 2023.
Check it out here:
#un2023waterconference #natureportfolio #water #scientific #research
Looking forward to join the #UN2023WaterConference next week to discuss pathways towards sustainable financed systematic hydrological observations and #OpenWaterData as part of the #WaterAction agenda. See you in #NY and let's meet and discuss.
#ny #wateraction #openwaterdata #un2023waterconference
#water – at the center of the #ClimateCrisis.
A summary in preparation for the #UN2023WaterConference :
#un2023waterconference #climatecrisis #water
Access to water and sanitation is a human right. But billions of people are still living without safely managed water and sanitation.
➡️ We need #WaterAction and a successful #UN2023WaterConference.
➡️ Watch the video
➡️ Reblog
#water #wash #climate #environment #UN #news #health #drought #nature #video
#wateraction #un2023waterconference #water #wash #climate #environment #un #news #health #drought #nature #video
2023 will be another interesting year for us at #ICWRGC.
Our #outlook at the highlights of engagement at the #UN2023WaterConference or #UNESCOwater's #FRIEND-water conference in Dakar.
#hydrology #opendata #water #friend #unescowater #un2023waterconference #outlook #icwrgc
Today, working at the special event Rome Water Dialogue #UN2023WaterConference #WaterAction #SDGs 📷 Jim Morgan
#un2023waterconference #wateraction #sdgs