Interesting on the Unabomber
#USA #Unabomber #CIA
Why the film Ted K despite some flaws renders Ted Kaczynski justice, a man with brilliant ideas and horrible actions. #film #unabomber
"Is the #unabomber an #anarchist " by wayne price:
tags: #anarchism #EcoTerrorism
#unabomber #anarchist #anarchism #ecoterrorism
"how will the reactionary post-left and eco-fascist
carry out without him now..."
#fckEcofascim #ted #unabomber #post #ecofascism
Exclusive: Former FBI Official in Charge of UNABOM Task Force Reveals Current AG Merrick Garland Wanted UNABOMBER Terrorist Released From Custody But Today He Targets Mothers Speaking at School Board Meetings as Terrorists
#unabomber #UNABOMTaskForce #MerrickGarland #TerryTurchie #brannonhowse #brannonhowselive
#unabomber #UNABOMTaskForce #MerrickGarland #terryturchie #BrannonHowse #BrannonHowseLive
@dkfbfn @franklinlopez The Unabomber did not contribute anything worthwhile to social philosophy . His ideas were either old news or bad reasoning. I'ts reviewed here:
#philosophy #unabomber #kaczynski
#philosophy #unabomber #kaczynski
Ted Kaczynski aka the #Unabomber, passed away a couple of days ago in federal prison, apparently by suicide. While I don't agree with his tactics, he left us a gift in his manifesto, linked below. In it, he lays out his critique of industrial civilization, which he was able to get published both in the New York Times and the Washington post, as a demand in order to stop his bombing campaign.
But it's not only radical #anarchists like me who heeded his warnings. It was high tech leaders of industry like Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems who quoted his manifesto at length in his own controversial critique of high tech "Why the future does no need us", published 23 years ago, which I also recommend, as well as one of the victims of his bombs, Gary Wright:
“I’m debating doing a TED Talk on that topic and debating the manifesto,” Mr. Wright said. “Because, throw away the murders, right? Throw away the meaning and everything else. It was the wrong method, but if you apply where we are today, it’s kind of prophetic in a way, that here we are today, we’re debating A.I., we’re debating all kinds of things. You got mental health issues due to social media.”
Ted Kaczynski Wikipedia entry
Why the Future doesn't need us by Bill Joy
Ted Kaczynski, Domestic Terrorist Dubbed the Unabomber, Dead at 81 #2023_06_10 #rolling_stone #daniel_kreps #obit #obituary #ted_kaczynski #unabomber
#2023_06_10 #rolling_stone #daniel_kreps #obit #obituary #ted_kaczynski #unabomber
The Unabomber known as Ted
To his prison cell life did recede
In the end he chose
To take his own foes
His passing by suicide was agreed
#tedkaczynski #unabomber #suicide #limerick #poetry
#tedkaczynski #unabomber #suicide #limerick #poetry
#Unabomber #TedKaczynski died in prison by #suicide, official says
#unabomber #tedkaczynski #suicide
Ted Kaczynski estatubatuarrak, #Unabomber bezala ere ezaguna denak, bere buruaz beste egin zuen kartzelan duela bi egun. Euskarazko #Wikipedia dagoeneko eguneratuta dagoela ikusi dut (bikain!). Pertsona bitxi honi buruzko informazio gehiago bertan dago eskuragarri:
Si Ud. cree que todo el mundo es estúpido y que su círculo marginat es el único que ve la Verdad de la conspiración capitalista, continue por ahí, siga estudiando, diferéciense del resto por la suya sabiduría, cultívela, cuídela."
Texto completo:
#unabomber #anticiv #antitecnologia #tecnologiadominadora
Nova entrada publicada al blog:
"Rest in peace Ted 'Unabomber' Kaczynski".
#unabomber #liberalismo #anarquismo #socialismo #ancap #anarquisme #insurreccionalismo #anticiv #hack #TedKaczynski #rip
#unabomber #liberalismo #anarquismo #socialismo #ancap #anarquisme #insurreccionalismo #anticiv #hack #tedkaczynski #rip
#SilvioBerlusconi has joined #PatRobertson, and the #Unabomber #TedKaczynski guy in shuffling off this mortal coil. While many of us may be tempted to celebrate, let us all take a moment of #Compassion for those truly affected by this. And by that, I mean #Satan who now has to deal with all the new arrivals down there. Rot in hell, guys.
#satan #compassion #tedkaczynski #unabomber #Patrobertson #SilvioBerlusconi
「ユナボマー」T・カジンスキー死亡、BBC の記事。ここでは死因はまだ不明となっているが、自殺説もあるような。
#TedKaczynski, known as the #Unabomber for years of attacks that killed 3, dies in prison at 81
Kristie Breshears, a spokesperson for the federal Bureau of Prisons said he was found unresponsive in his cell early Saturday morning and was pronounced dead around 8 a.m. A cause of death was not immediately known.
Harvard student subjects like the #Unabomber ‘were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations… an anonymous individual… would confront and belittle the subject… anger and rage were later played back to them… lasted three years’
So Twitter, basically
Ted Kaczynski, known as the “#Unabomber,” who carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died by suicide #press
Inhumane justice system.
#TedKaczynski #Unabomber #US
Kaczynski’s death comes as the federal Bureau of Prisons has faced increased scrutiny in the last several years after the death of financier Jeffrey Epstein.
#TedKaczynski #Unabomber #US