Neptune Frost. An important movie about technology. Beautiful, imaginative, great soundtrack.
Hack into land rights and ownership,
Hack into business law, proprietorship.
Hack into the history of the bank.
Hack and question the business of slavery, of free labor, it’s relation to today’s world.
Hack into ambition, into greed.
#neptunefrost #unanimousgoldmine
#NeptuneFrost #unanimousgoldmine
Here's the trailer for NEPTUNE FROST
#BestFilmsOf2022 #FilmSound #SoundDesign #Musicals #Mixing #NeptuneFrost #Kinyarwanda #UnanimousGoldmine #Afropunk #Afrofuturism #Africanfuturism #SciFi #Drums #Anticolonialism #GenderQueer
#genderqueer #anticolonialism #drums #SciFi #africanfuturism #afrofuturism #afropunk #unanimousgoldmine #Kinyarwanda #NeptuneFrost #mixing #Musicals #sounddesign #filmsound #bestfilmsof2022
This is me mixing NEPTUNE FROST
#BestFilmsOf2022 #FilmSound #SoundDesign #Musicals #Mixing #NeptuneFrost #Kinyarwanda #UnanimousGoldmine #Afropunk #Afrofuturism #Africanfuturism
#africanfuturism #afrofuturism #afropunk #unanimousgoldmine #Kinyarwanda #NeptuneFrost #mixing #Musicals #sounddesign #filmsound #bestfilmsof2022
Went to see "Neptune Frost" tonight...
it's intense.. deep.. psychedlic.. revolutionary, liberatory, hallucinatory, emotional...
#NeptuneFrost #unanimousgoldmine #binarycrimetheory #mytruthisencrpyted