Did you know about the creative initiative to help make #blood #donations by #gay men legal in the US?
The FDA banned men who have sex with men from donating blood in 1983 & a form of this ban remains today.
A US media agency & British #artist Stuart Semple, have taken "unwanted" blood of their gay employees & turned them into inks & paints.
Bloody good.
I wrote about Semple & his #activism before:
#blood #donations #gay #artist #unbangayblood #art #activism
#TreatYourself I bought some art stuff from #StuartSemple last night 😆 #GayBlood #UnbanGayBlood #BlackestBlack #MirroriestMirror #HAPPY cadmium yellow.
Already dreaming what #Art projects to do with these ✨
#treatyourself #stuartsemple #gayblood #unbangayblood #blackestblack #mirroriestmirror #happy #art