Pelosi Under Fire Over Her Terrible Pick For Labor Secretary
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #nancypelosi #seanpatrickmaloney
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #nancypelosi #seanpatrickmaloney
Miners Return To Work After 23 Months Of Striking
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #union #labor #alabama
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #union #labor #alabama
Bernie Sanders Pushes New Bill To Raise Teacher Pay
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #education #berniesanders #labor
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #education #berniesanders #labor
Family Demands JUSTICE For Poushawn 'Pou Bear' Brown Who Died Working At Amazon
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #news #amazon #covid
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #news #amazon #covid
WATCH: Biden Pretends To Care About Rail Workers
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #news #uspolitics #railworkers #labor #laborrights
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #news #uspolitics #railworkers #labor #LaborRights
Try a search for 'breadtube', might help.
Less youthful than Hassan, but #MajorityReport with #SamSeder. His support staff is younger and quite lefty. They also have podcasts and shows on youtube. #EmmaVigeland also hosts, and they have #MattBinder and #BrandonSutton on weekly at least.
#TheYoungTurks ( #TYT ) are trying to grow a stable of even more diverse, younger reporters and commentators on their additional channels.
They've got #NinaTurner 's show #Unbossed, for instance.
#brandonsutton #mattbinder #emmavigeland #unbossed #ninaturner #tyt #theyoungturks #samseder #majorityreport
Baristas SERVE Greedy Corporation With First-Ever Peet's Union
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #firstunionpeets #peetscoffee #union #unionization
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #firstunionpeets #peetscoffee #union #unionization
Flint STILL Suffers Without Clean Water After Nearly A Decade
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #news #flint #michigan
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #news #flint #michigan
U.K. Amazon Workers Join Worldwide Fight For Better Rights
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #labor #amazon
President Biden lied when he said "no more drilling," as it was revealed that he has approved more oil and gas permits than Donald Trump did during two years of his presidency.
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #oil #gas #fossilfuels #Biden #climatechange
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #oil #gas #FossilFuels #biden #climatechange
Shooting Survivors Struggle To Pay EXTREMELY High Medical Bills
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #politics #uspolitics #news #healthcare
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #news #healthcare
Billionaire BEGS For More Political Power With Lawsuit Targeting Free Speech
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #betoorourke #kelcywarren #gregabbott
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #betoorourke #kelcywarren #gregabbott
Fighting The Patriarchy In A Post-Roe World
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #RoeVWade #eveenlser
Community Center Built Upon Rubble Of Soot-Spewing Charcoal Plant
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #florida
AR-15 'For Kids' Showcased At Vegas Gun Show
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #gunreform #USgunculture
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #gunreform #usgunculture
Manchin Proves He Doesn't Care About Workers
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #uspolitics #westvirginia #joemanchin #socialsecurity
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #uspolitics #westvirginia #JoeManchin #socialsecurity
U.S. Falls Behind On Fighting White Collar Corruption
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #crime #law #whitecollarcrime
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #crime #law #whitecollarcrime
Lawmakers Target Income Tax Inequalities With Wealth Tax Bills
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #wealthtax #news #politics #uspolitics
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #wealthtax #news #uspolitics
Kathy Hochul Is FUMING Over Her Rejected Nomination
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #newyork #kathyhochul #hectorlasalle
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #newyork #KathyHochul #hectorlasalle
The Justice System Needs An OVERHAUL After Neglected Man Dies In Jail
#SenatorNinaTurner #Unbossed #Politics #arkansas #bailreform
#senatorninaturner #unbossed #politics #arkansas #bailreform