As you see in the background I did buy some Star Wars figures to continue the action, but as it's unlikely I will be up for doing full innocents for those, I think I'm going to let Gowron play us out with his big stick and his little pig (?) and his unmatched gaze.
I haven't totally stopped this project, though I slowed down somewhat both on meeting goal and always opening a toy when I did. The mastodon posts frankly had become more of a chore once the novelty had worn off, which cut against the purpose.
I therefore didn't share a couple of the best ones I'd saved: Guinan and Morn
But I had to share the opening of the one I saved for last....
#startrek #nostalgia #toys #GLORYTOYOU #ANDYOUR #HOUSSSSE
#unboxingproductivity #startrek #nostalgia #toys #glorytoyou #andyour #housssse
Not that he can hold anything other than this phaser anyway, for Riker is a Man of Action.
Anyway this wraps up for today, except I also want to share that I finally realized the perfect music for this project is of course the song Action Figure Party on the album Action Figure Party from the band Action Figure Party so I listened to that and you can too!
They get some real Science Points for calling it a U. V. source then saying it generates "visible light and heat" neither of which is UV.
I mean I'm sure it does generate heat, but only because it's a machine and there's entropy an all that.
This opening and closing case with a STICKER really embarrasses O'Brien's think from last time. Probably the most elaborate accessory yet.
Oh, what's that in the background though? Is it finally time to play another round of "guess what this thing is supposed to be?"
I guess this holster is for the tricorder but it doesn't fit that well. Nothing else with him fits at all though.
Well, in the box I do. Outside it's clear that he's got his feet in a weird angle that only really lets him stand in this kind of ready position.
Wrapped up another successful day of work and now I get to crack open...a hot one.
That's right, it's Riker but this time it's good old Will Riker and his barrel chest is barreling right out of his shirt.
I love the little kung fu pose they have him in.
I think the accessories are decent on this one. Repair Guy lends itself to accessories and even somewhat more to action than some of these Starfleet folks.
Also he's the first one with hands I've really gotten the phaser to work in. Those cool non-gun-looking designs were a good idea for selling toy phasers without having them look like guns, but pretty bad for action figures.
Anyway that's it for tonight. Hope to continue tomorrow!
Why yes, it's every writer's favorite punching bag. He died for real once! He experienced a lifetime of crippling imprisonment and nearly killed himself with a phaser and that was never like fixed or rolled back! He had to actually *live through* the boring-ass Orion Syndicate storyline.
And he comes with a fire extinguisher, repair kit, and laser cutter
#unboxingproductivity #obrienmustsuffer
And we got there!
And hey finally we got a DS9 character who is actually a DS9 character and not a TNG cast-off...oh. Hmm.
Well, we got a DS9 character!
#unboxingproductivity #startrek #ds9 #tng #milesobrien #colmmeany #colmnicey
Ok we're back!
As expected, I didn't hit my goal yesterday, though if I'm being honest it was as much because of getting off my groove mentally as it was the errand I initially expected to be the issue--I think with the levels of focus I've usually had since starting this project I could have pulled it out.
Which means today we got to test the crucial second test of a productivity system: resilience when stuff doesn't go right.
Woo hit goal! Barely, again, due to a very slow Monday getting moving.
For that reason I'm going to very quickly share this *excellent* Borg figure in max picture minimum toot.
Switchable arms!
This guy is not just going to sit on my desk, he's coming home to fight a Klingon diplomat.
Probably won't have any unboxing tomorrow due to errands that will keep me below goal but let's see how Weds goes!
#unboxingproductivity #startrek #borg #toy
At any rate, that's the full week. I will aggressively be resting my brain this weekend in the hopes of a similarly fruitful next week so we can be back again with more!
The back of her trading card does mention she had a Klingon father and Human mother.
Klingon/Human romance is a real potential fertile ground for fiction. Notably Lois McMaster Bujold's long and wonderful Vorkosigan series started as a bit of an idea about such a romance, which shows in the early part of Shards of Honor.
Contrary to rumor it was apparently never written as a fanfic but the influence is still there.
#SF #StarTrek #Bujold #Vorkosigan #Barrayar
#unboxingproductivity #sf #startrek #bujold #vorkosigan #barrayar
The figure RULES, though.
Turns out the Klingons are a little better for fun toy accessories than the Federation.
It's an ACTION figure, not a science/exploration/diplomacy figure.
The mask makes her look like Jason I guess but that's still cool. The sword was hard to get in her hand but once there sticks. The Klingon symbol base was also hard to connect but looks great.
Real happy with this one.
Well, a half-Klingon!
I admit I had to look at the STARFLEET PERSONEL RECORD DATA BASE PRINTOUT to remind myself exactly who she was, but I somewhat remembered this is Worf's, uh, co-parent?
(That's being kinda generous to Worf's level of parental care/responsibility for Alexander)
I kinda remember one episode with her but as you may have guessed from yesterday, my on command DS9 knowledge is a lot better than my TNG.
Well, day five in a row was a lot more of a grind but we just barely got there on goals.
And today's open is a special treat because we finally have someone who isn't human!
Friends, we have a KLINGON
#StarTrek #TNG #Klingons #toys #nostalgia
#unboxingproductivity #startrek #tng #klingons #toys #nostalgia
That's about all to share pictures-wise.
As a DS9 fan having a very minor TNG character who conveniently resembles a popular TNG character as a DS9 figure as opposed to something DS9-specific is mildly disappointing, especially since the number of DS9 figures overall is kinda limited.
But then again I get that a Riker--even Thomas is prolly both easier to make and was more likely to sell in the 90s than overloooked guys like Weyoun or Martok
And he's fun!
I'm really missing the Space Thermos because this stuff is kinda boring space nonsense that he can't even hold--even the phaser. Other than the Deep Space Nine Monitor which I can only assume is a tv that only plays DS9 aka the perfect TV.
#unboxingproductivity #startrek #ds9