Idk what got into me when I was doodling these 😂 I think I wanted to called this ‘Starter Pokemon Go...’ Maybe I should turn these into stickers 🤔 Not too sure what went on when my last two brain cells took control 😂
#uncannyviolet_art #uncannyviolet_sketch
#uncannyviolet_sketch #uncannyviolet_art
ou know when you have colours you’ve never really used and you don’t know how it’ll look like on paper? 😂 I had to test out 2 skin tone colours I’ve never really used...and #藍思追 #藍景儀 #藍景仪 became my little guinea pig 🤣 at least 景儀 has a chicken wing~!
#uncannyviolet_art #uncannyviolet_sketch
#uncannyviolet_sketch #uncannyviolet_art #藍景仪 #藍景儀 #藍思追
All this MXTX stuff is giving me so many Zenko and Company feels 😭 Ginko, sure is up to no good as always. Poor Zenko 😂
#uncannyviolet_sketch #uncannyviolet_art