@GovTrack i disagree. by keeping the house cap'd like that we've just turned it into a mini-senate, with increasingly disproportionate representation from lower-population states.
The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.
[The Washington Post] The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.
The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix that.
It is time to increase the size of the House of Representatives.
Hello! It occurs to me I haven't actually made an #introduction / #introductions / #interests post yet, so now is as good a time as any.
My name is WhenGryphonsFly! I'm a computer programmer with an interest in #ElectoralReform, such as #ProportionalRepresentation, #STARVoting, and #UncapTheHouse. I am also interested in #CopyrightReform, such as reduction of term lengths (20 years or less), expansion of fair use (particularly in regards to derivative works), and expansion of compulsory licensing (for everything, basically). Some of my other interests include #FuckCars, #FourDayWorkWeek and #SixHourWorkDay, #Corvid (especially #BlueJay), #ProgrammingLanguage design (I'm making my own!), #GameBoyAdvance, #Pokemon, and #TwinPrimes.
I mostly lurk and boost, as my social anxiety unfortunately extends to social media. Still, I'm glad to be here!
* Note: while my stance on copyright in general might imply I support Copilot, Stable Diffusion, etc.; I emphatically do not.
#introduction #introductions #interests #electoralreform #proportionalrepresentation #starvoting #uncapthehouse #copyrightreform #fuckcars #fourdayworkweek #sixhourworkday #corvid #bluejay #programminglanguage #gameboyadvance #pokemon #twinprimes
Somewhere along the way the appointment process stopped working. (Hint, it was in 1929 with the permanent appointment act.) It's time we fixed that. #politics #UncapTheHouse
You know what could have prevented this fiasco? #UncapTheHouse #118thCongress
It is also a danger to society to constantly dilute the people's voice by keeping the House at a fixed size of 435 representatives -- the size it reached in 1912 when the country was much smaller than it is today.
We should expand the House to reduce the number of constituents per representative. Doing so would improve representation and would also make gerrymandering less effective.
Time for an #introduction
I started on Mastodon to see how it would fit but now I've decided to deliberately spend more time here.
I'm a husband/father/technology professional (mostly database stuff) with an overarching interest in human flourishing and specific interests in #politics (things like #UncapTheHouse, #OpenPrimaries, and #RankedChoiceVoting would alter political incentives away from extremes), #religion, #education, #FlagDesign, #cooking, #sports (mostly college), and #BasicIncome
#introduction #politics #uncapthehouse #openprimaries #rankedchoicevoting #religion #education #flagdesign #cooking #sports #basicincome
@DragonFlyEye (this also applies to the other party)
I'm a big proponent of the Wyoming Rule
#uncapthehouse #wyomingrulenow
@d_michael At least one, yes,
One of the simplest solutions (that addresses a number of other problems too BTW) is to increase the size of the House of Representative beyond the 435 cap that was set back in 1929
If Iowa had more like 8 reps it would not be nearly as easy to dilute the power of voters in cites by isolating them into separate districts.