Tonight's stream is #UnchartedDrakesFortune ; not terribly flashy for the first stream after hitting 1,000 hours streamed... Still, will be fun, I think! Join me tonight at 9 pm Eastern!
Kotaku: Neil Druckmann Takes Over Naughty Dog After Co-President Of 25 Years Retires #gaming #tech #kotaku #uncharteddrakesfortune #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #thirdpersonshooters #christophebalestra #crystaldynamics #crashbandicoot #neildruckmann #jakanddaxter #brucestraley #thelastofus #naughtydog #uncharted #evanwells #theemmy #max #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #uncharteddrakesfortune #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #thirdpersonshooters #christophebalestra #crystaldynamics #crashbandicoot #neildruckmann #jakanddaxter #brucestraley #thelastofus #NaughtyDog #uncharted #evanwells #theemmy #max #ps3
I watched some gameplay footage of Uncharted Drake's Fortune yesterday and I realised how that game is Naughty Dog evolved in that it's basically Crash Bandicoot + Way Of The Warrior + a bettery story + lots of guns and enemies.
(BTW I forgot how much of that game is shooting up bad guys.)
#playstation #naughtydog #uncharted #uncharteddrakesfortune