Standing Rock replied, pointing out the flaws in approach and demanding redress.

For now, it's up to us to lend a hand. We must flood the with a single, unified message:

This illegal pipeline's operations must be terminated and the Army Corps must start over with a legitimate environmental review. In the midst of a , let's defend sacred ground and safeguard (our Grandmother Earth). This may be our last, best chance to end DAPL once and for all.


#uncimaka #climateemergency #armycorps

Last updated 1 year ago

The simple truth is this: the current narrative pushed by industry and government is that mining is "green" and that it is justified in the name of innovation.

However, we can't allow innovation to come on the backs of Indigenous Peoples and at the expense of (Grandmother Earth). "Green" energy is not green if it entails .


#environmentalinjustice #uncimaka #lithium

Last updated 1 year ago