SLCW💥 · @slcw
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Natalie Davis · @natalied
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@TomWellborn WHOA, is owned by two masters?


Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
362 followers · 7388 posts · Server

When WaPo reached the sister who runs Ginger Holdings LLC, the version of the company that hasn't been gone for almost 20 years, she, the listed manager of the firm that controls at least 200 plots of land, told the reporter the following:

"You could call her (Ginni) and she could answer anything she wants you to know," before hanging up.

To repeat, Ginni Thomas is not listed as an officer on this corporation's state incorporation records.

As for that time he "forgot" to disclose his wife's income details?

Between 2003 and 2007, she was paid $686,000 by the extremist right wing Heritage Foundation. Disclosure forms for this period, before he was forced to "revise" them, had him check the box marked "NONE" for his wife's income.

AKA he was not reporting his wife's income as a lobbyist and strategist for a right wing organization balls deep in the GQP.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
362 followers · 7386 posts · Server

In 2011, watchdog group Common Cause raised the alarm over his, ahem, errors in disclosures. After they did so, Thomas, ahem, "amended" years of filings to include employment details for Ginni, a lifelong right wing activist. Who, as we just discussed, also created the real estate holdings companies that pay them $50-$100 grand every year.

His excuse for why he had, ahem, failed to include details about his wife's employment?

That's right. He claimed to not understand the filing instructions. Seems like he might not be fit to be a SCrOTUS judge, since he fails to understand basic job requirements regularly.

You or I would have been terminated for any of these mistakes. But not Uncle Clarence.

So, now we move to 2020. When he was forced to, ahem, "revise" his disclosure forms when a different watchdog caught him "failing" to report reimbursements for travel fees to speak at two law schools.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
353 followers · 7173 posts · Server

ProPublica has now published that Harlan Crow has purchased property from Uncle Clarence. Yet another thing he "forgot" to disclose.

For your edification, I had to take anti-money laundering classes to retain my license to sell life insurance.

One of the most common ways to bribe officials is to "buy" some property from them at far more than they paid to acquire it. Often involves some shell company horse shit.

Uncle Clarence is a criminal.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
341 followers · 6887 posts · Server

And, now, for the parts of this 1991 piece that are destined to sound very old fashioned. Sorry, but, I find this illuminating, in spite of the era it was published. I remember 1991, vaguely. And in Colorado, where I grew up, I don't recall conversations like this.

"I can guarantee you I was surprised when I found out she was going with a black man," Ginni Thomas's uncle Ralph Knop said from his farm in Iowa. "It was unusual for us."

"But he was so nice, we forgot he was black," her aunt Opal added, "and he treated her so well, all of his other qualities made up for his being black."

Now, it goes on to say he was welcomed from the start by her family, and I see no reason to disbelieve that. It seems obvious to me that they both fell in love with their mutually insane and exclusionary ideology. Even monsters can fall in love.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
341 followers · 6886 posts · Server

In 1986, Ginny had been written up in Good Housekeeping as one of "28 Women of Promise." She told the publication her goal was to run for office, but her chief obstacle was finding a husband supportive of a woman in public life."

She was gaining press in the exact kind of law that Uncle Clarence was tasked with tending. She was getting written up in what amounts to a personal ad in Good Housekeeping.

Her best friend from law school said she was always too busy for romance. And, yet, she was making all the right mouth noises in 1986 to pretend she was the dutiful prospective wife.

Meanwhile, Thomas was newly divorced from 1984, and had thrown himself into his work...trying to sabotage the EEOC for Saint Ronnie.

Meanwhile, in 1987, Jet Magazine reported that Strom Thurmond himself, after confirming Uncle Clarence to the EEOC post, had chided him that he needed to find a wife. Jet named Thomas a most eligible bachelor.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
341 followers · 6885 posts · Server

Now, here's another thing that makes me call a bit of bullshit on the idea that she and Thomas just met out of the the form of a quote gathered from the Vice Chairwoman of the EEOC while Thomas led it.

"Anybody who followed EEOC policy at the time would have read about Ginni in the papers and thought she was a middle-aged woman in a power suit and Oxfords," said Ricky Silberman, vice chairwoman of the EEOC. "And there she sat -- I was thunderstruck -- this very beautiful young woman."

At the end of the session, Thomas and Lamp slipped away and traveled back to Washington together. Three months later, Thomas took Silberman out to lunch at Clyde's in Georgetown and told her, "'I want you to know that I'm in love,' " Silberman recalled. They were engaged soon after and married by the following summer.

So, Ginny just appears at an event with him, they sneak away to snog, and are engaged between 90-150 days later.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
341 followers · 6884 posts · Server

Now I finally think I'm closing in on what I initially had been seeking; information about how and when Ginny and Uncle Clarence met.

In June of 1985, at least a year before they met, he was an EEOC Chairman working his ass off to fight against equal pay for women. When he succeeded in finding an excuse to pay women less, Ginny Lamp, speaking for the "US" Chamber of Commerce, praised his decision that she is worth less than he is.

She claimed that it was a scam whose fulcrum point was to claim that women on average make less than men on average, but for different jobs, and therefore its not discrimination. (Full throated eye roll from me.)

But, the point is, the two budding autocratic traitors were on a collision course to meet.

And, in an overload of irony, the two met at an Anti-Defamation League Civil Rights event in New York, in 1986.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
341 followers · 6883 posts · Server

From 1985-1989, Ginny Thomas had the orwellian post of labor relations attorney at the US Chamber of Commerce which is NOT an agency of government, it's just named to suggest that it is. It's a pro-business lobbying group. She represented business interests at congressional hearings on things like equal pay, affirmative action, and child care legislation.

And by represented business interests for the USCC, what I mean is that she led the opposition to the fucking FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT, which protects most of us from being fired for getting sick or having a fucking damn baby.

Take a pause and imagine how much worse COVID would have been without the FMLA. As someone who needed it to care for a stage IV cancer patient for 5 years, I can tell you what I think of her fighting it. But even I shudder to use that many curse words in one post.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Denby · @Bullix
341 followers · 6882 posts · Server

For this 1991 WaPo piece, they spoke to the then EEOC chairman, named Evan Kemp to ask where the impetus for this out of nowhere policy came from. His reported reply:

"Virginia is very smart and a very good lobbyist," said Evan Kemp, current chairman of the EEOC. "She might have discussed it with him, but even though {her husband} is madly in love with her, he is very independent."

Kemp said he did not think Clarence Thomas signed off on the policy because of his wife's anti-cult stance: "He wouldn't even do that for his grandfather."

Now ask yourself you believe when Evan Kemp says he would never, ever sign off on something just cause a family member wanted him to? Especially when, in 1991, Evan Kemp's position made him a political appointee of HW Bush? Republicons always lie to protect each other.

#uspol #scotus #clarencethomas #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago

News Views · @newsviews
96 followers · 669 posts · Server

ProPublica investigates luxury vacations gifted to Uncle Clarence
A ProPublica investigation out Thursday reveals that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has failed to disclose luxury vacations and free travel provided by conservative billionaire Harlan Crow.

Listen to the article/splain' from NPR-

For more than two decades,

#extremecourt #corruption #ethics #uncleclarence

Last updated 2 years ago