So, Kari Lake is just pretending she is the governor, apparently. Kevin McCarthy is eager to be the first Gelded Speaker but still can't get there, and Matt Schlapp is accused of groping a Hershel Walker MALE staffer while said staffer drove him home from a bar. Oh, and #UncleGeorge Santos hasn't been murdered by a mob yet.
So, DC deserves statehood AND sainthood for tolerating so many CHUDs in such a small area. GQP should consider if it wants to be the crazy brand for another hundred years.
#HouseSpeaker #SpeakerOfTheHouse #Nominations #nominees
#UncleGeorge #GeorgeTakei @georgetakei has put himself forward. I heartily support his #nomination. #MakeItSo #BeamHimUp #EnGarde!
#housespeaker #speakerofthehouse #nominations #nominees #unclegeorge #georgetakei #nomination #makeitso #beamhimup #engarde
Shout out to BET News for finding a 7/4/2020 tweet from #UncleGeorge Santos where he complains about the "Black National Anthem" as a biracial person.
When asked how he is biracial, he responded "Caucasian and black"
At time of the story being published, that tweet was still posted.
If you can stomach a walk through the Bird Turd, check it out.
I am truly astounded by the level of mental illness and stupidity it takes for #UncleGeorge Santos to successfully evade a Brazilian fraud investigation...and then decide to make himself a nationally known public figure in the United States.
Like, did he truly think Brazil doesn't receive political news from the US? Set aside for the moment his fame for lying, did he truly think he would go unnoticed as a boring backbencher?
Santos is a criminal and sociopath. And the GQP poster boy.
#UncleGeorge is such a narcissist that he decided to run for congress having successfully eluded Brazilian police. Did he actually think his image would never make it to a single Brazilian official's news apps?!
What is with these fucking psychos? All he had to do to get away with fraud in Brazil is shut his fat gob and lay low. And he couldn't even do that. His ego is so cavernous that it completely overrides his self-preservation instincts. Extradite him now! lol
@lolgop The cowardice of these people is truly astounding. Also, it's fucking absurd that he even has the option of showing up to work after lying about everything on his resume, to include his god damned name.
All so he can collaborate with the nazis who want to take rights away from gay people who aren't pathological Kapos. Fuckin Uncle George.
Wow...finally more and more Accounts from my #StarTrek bubble from "The Blue Bird Platform" is showing up here! Even #unclegeorge #GeorgeTakei is here! Now Twitter really is doomed!
Live Long and toot prosper!🖖
#twittermigration #trekkie #StarTrekCommunity #georgetakei #unclegeorge #startrek