For #UncommonInstrumentAwarenessDay, here is the beginning of European ethnomusicology: Johannes Tinctoris, *De inventione et usu musice* (Naples, 1482×3), IV.iv.58: “But that slender and small instrument, drawn in the same way by the Turks from the *lyra* with a more slender and smaller ingenuity, that is called in their language a ‘tambura’, containing a shape like a great spoon, has three strings tuned to an octave, a fifth, and a fourth, struck to be sounded by the fingers or a quill.” (My translation, from
Today is (apparently) Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day, so here are 4 images showing 16th Century Western perceptions of musicians and their instruments (some more uncommon than others) from the continents of America, Africa, Asia and Europe.
From a book showing the 8 pageants held for the Christening of Princess Elisabeth of Hesse in 1596.
Bavarian State Library: Cod.icon. 340.
#uncommoninstrumentawarenessday #otd #onthisday #iconography #earlymusic #historyofart #history #historical #histodons #sixteenthcentury #16thCentury #pageantry #musicalinstruments #musicians #histodon
@earlymodern @earlymusic @histodons @histodon #worldmusic #ethnomusicology
#uncommoninstrumentawarenessday #otd #OnThisDay #iconography #earlymusic #historyofart #history #historical #histodons #sixteenthcentury #16thcentury #Pageantry #musicalinstruments #musicians #histodon #worldmusic #ethnomusicology
E così oggi sarebbe l' #UncommonInstrumentAwarenessDay :-)
Va ben, tra le varie arpe, qui son con l'arpa salterio, che ho fatto costruire studiando immagini in manoscritti e bassorilievi. Mi ha accompagnato l'anno scorso nel viaggio trobadorico in Monferrato!
#holidays #WorldRangerDay, #NationalRaspberryCakeDay, #NationalCottonCandyDay, #NationalAvocadoDay, #JumpForJellyBeansDay, #UncommonInstrumentAwarenessDay, #ShreddedWheatDay, #MuttDay
#holidays #worldrangerday #nationalraspberrycakeday #nationalcottoncandyday #nationalavocadoday #jumpforjellybeansday #uncommoninstrumentawarenessday #shreddedwheatday #muttday