Speak along with the lineup of speakers on the main stage!
We have 10 more slots for Unconference format talks.
> Prepare your talk.
> Pitch it to the attendees who will vote during the day.
> Speak on the main stage if your talk will be highly rated.
Contact us to participate: organizers@euruko.org.
Help us shout out with your reposts.
#ruby #rails #Euruko2023 #conference #unconference #vilnius
The Scottish Open Data Unconference is back for a fourth year on 18-19 November in Aberdeen.
We've released a limited number of Early Bird tickets. You can book now before the price goes up: https://ti.to/code-the-city/sodu-2023
If you are unfamiliar with SODU, please have a look what what we did last year (https://codethecity.org/what-we-do/sodu2022/ ) ! It's a friendly, energetic, and inspiring event where we share knowledge and experience. See you there!
#Opendata #unconference #Scotland #Aberdeen #datascience #mapping
#opendata #unconference #scotland #aberdeen #datascience #mapping
Agile Lean Europe 2023 #unconference starting in Vilnius #vilnius #ALE2023
#ale2023 #Vilnius #unconference
The #p4p #unconference @ #offline is a bit less than two weeks away (27.-30.07.23) and if you're interested in p2p software (in all forms, technically, socially, politically, artistically, ...) you should come and / or even present something!
In an attempt to reduce the undesired kind of chaos during the event, we have started planning things a bit and prepared some awesome... forms. 😇
If you are planning to attend, please [RSVP]. We are trying to match people who have excess beds with people who need one, let's see how well that works out. We are also excited to learn about your food allergies!
If you want to host one or more sessions, please submit to the [Call for Sessions]. We are planning to open and promote part of the event to the wider public. If your are not comfortable with that or think your session wouldn't be a good fit for that, or you don't want your name on the offline website, you can let us know in the submission.
➡️ [Website]: https://p4p.space
➡️ [RSVP]: https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/VstZOayHGhKm5uWG7m6opifbP5CEv4dSfspYUoGsTsI/
➡️ [Call for Sessions]: https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/e200ByUlUvqovfawk8UVNKzYxl8yKYGnG2KxQ3KnLvA/
Great resource on #unconference
Ping @erikkemp https://cosocial.ca/@boris/110737165839414756
This post by Devon Zuegel describing the unconference toolkit is great.
I’ve been meaning to write down something similar, this is an amazing resource to share.
What is an #unconference ?
a shared project
the board is the center of the event https://devonzuegel.com/post/the-unconference-toolbox
Where my #zine #librarians at? I’ve been told that some of y’all might visit the #UnConference in SF in August and I want to meet you if you tour the Prelinger Library!!
#zine #librarians #unconference
Where my #zine # librariansftw at? I’ve been told that some of y’all might visit the #UnConference in SF in August and I want to meet you if you tour the Prelinger Library!!
I once raised the idea of an #Unconference in an org, with a 250-strong dev team. The CTO squashed it based upon his view that the org needed outside expertise to fill knowledge gaps.
What he didn't realise is that the org already had the knowledge he was so keen to pay speakers thousands of pounds for, it was just unevenly distributed and they couldn't apply it because of systemic constraints.
In the end they spent 50k for negligible benefit.
#Goldratt #TheoryOfConstraints
#unconference #goldratt #theoryofconstraints
The second day of #ACCDE13 has begun! Here’s the schedule as of now.
#accde13 #agile #unconference #openspace #servicetoot #coach #camp
Don't miss the opportunity to be part of a growing movement advocating for our fundamental rights in the digital age.
Join us at the #FreedomNotFear conference in Brussels and network with different actors in the space. Register now: https://freedomnotfear.org/2023/fnf23-participant-information
#FnF23 #digitalRights #privacy #conference #unconference #barcamp #Brussels #Bruxelles
#bruxelles #brussels #barcamp #unconference #conference #privacy #digitalrights #fnf23 #freedomnotfear
Thanks so much to Paper https://paper.studio for supporting #UKEduCamp. They are another sponsor that is aligned to the people-centred approaches that is a theme of #UKEduCamp
Book a ticket now if you want to learn from what they do. https://ukeducamp.co.uk
#ukeducamp #education #highereducation #unconference #uk #digital
#Legacy code is defined as code without #tests. Adding tests to code that hasn't been designed with testing in mind is hard. In this #training session, @claresudbery will show us how.
Get your #SoCraTes UK ticket now: https://socratesuk.org
#legacy #tests #training #socrates #community #unconference #notforprofit
The work day is over (perhaps). You've had your evening meal (if you're lucky). Now's the perfect time for every #software #crafter and #tester to head over to https://socratesuk.org and grab one of the last tickets to #SoCraTes UK - a community run, not-for-profit #unconference
#software #crafter #tester #socrates #unconference
We also have some training day tickets available. A great companion to the openspace!
#software #craft #openspace #unconference #conference
#software #craft #openspace #unconference #conference
Not long to go, and we've nearly sold out!
#software #craft #openspace #unconference #conference
#software #craft #openspace #unconference #conference
Only a few tickets remain. Be sure to grab one now before someone else does!
#software #craft #openspace #unconference #conference
#software #craft #openspace #unconference #conference
@comocamp #unconference may be over, but dates have been announced for 2024! May 6-8th 🥳
It was all about the people and conversation:
- "incredibly friendly and helpful community"
- "exchanging ideas with so many people with different experiences"
- "in-depth discussions with really knowledgeable people"
- "I always learned something new, no matter the topic"
#softwarearchitecture #collaboration #modeling #ddd #dddesign #collaborativemodelling #software #softwaredevelopment #softwaredesign
#unconference #softwarearchitecture #collaboration #modeling #ddd #dddesign #collaborativemodelling #software #softwaredevelopment #softwaredesign
I'm excited to announce #UKEduCamp – a new #unconference for people passionate about delivering high-quality #DigitalServices in #HigherEd & #FurtherEd
Sign up now and join us in Sheffield on June 29th! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ukeducamp-2023-tickets-615437850177?aff=mastodon
#ukeducamp #unconference #digitalservices #highered #furthered