アニメ版「アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス」はBSフジ視聴組なので、なるべく(アニメ版の)ネタバレ回避しながら視聴しようと思ってるんですけど、公式や原作者さんの :twitter: もとい :x_twitter: もチェックしたいのでどうするのが一番いいかなぁとちょっと悩んでます。
My anime schedule for today:
Niehime to Kemono no Ou
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
Undead Girl Murder Farce
Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi
#niehimetokemononoou #watashinoshiawasenakekkon #undeadgirlmurderfarce #shiroseijotokurobokushi
#anime #summer2023 #summer2023anime
#niehimetokemononoou #watashinoshiawasenakekkon #undeadgirlmurderfarce #shiroseijotokurobokushi #anime #summer2023 #summer2023anime
Solo espero que el caso actual del #anime de #UndeadGirlMurderFarce se resuelva en el próximo episodio y no se alargue más. Pero va muy bien la serie. #FelizJueves a todos :3.
#anime #undeadgirlmurderfarce #felizjueves
(Late post)
#watch #UndeadGirlMurderFarce #anime episode 1 and 2. I went in pretty much blind, I didn't know what to expect so I was taken aback. It was amazing!
An episode - a premiere, on top of that - consisting mostly of talking shouldn't feel that breezy, holy shit. I'm an absolute sucker for such witty banters (stares at Monogatari and Aobuta, to name a few), so I immediately fell in love.
#watch #undeadgirlmurderfarce #anime
This #anime season seems to be not as strong as previous one; I did not know if there would be anything I would like, but at least three shows did positively surprise me:
- #MyHappyMarriage — an interesting and beautiful shoujo with supernatural elements.
- #Helck — a fantasy comedy with some intrigue and unexpected wholesomeness.
- #UndeadGirlMurderFarce — a supernatural alternate history detective, nicely animated and with subtle humor.
#anime #myhappymarriage #helck #undeadgirlmurderfarce
El #anime de #UndeadGirlMurderFarce tiene fecha de estreno así como nuevo tráiler, temas de #opening, #ending y hasta posible duración :3. https://tinyurl.com/2bmtv9v7
#anime #undeadgirlmurderfarce #opening #ending
Este año tendrá su estreno el #anime basado en la novela #UndeadGirlMurderFarce y conviene conocer un poco de ella :3. https://bit.ly/3KnvQnX