Hey! I'm streaming, come watch!
So, a Lich and a Chicken walk into a bar... #undeadhorde
#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberen #twitchaffiliate #smallstreamer #indievtuber #indie #vtuberuprising #lgbtq
#undeadhorde #vtuber #envtuber #vtuberen #twitchaffiliate #smallstreamer #indievtuber #indie #vtuberuprising #lgbtq
Hello from the #alamo #wasteland! #prepare, wastelanders! The #redmoon is rising, so, lock your doors and pound nails into your bats, and prepare for the #undeadhorde! These #redmoonies will gladly #consume you!
John may have a #longmustache, but it won’t matter as long as the #chairisagainstthewall! Tune yourselves to #freehuman radio!
#alamo #wasteland #prepare #redmoon #undeadhorde #redmoonies #consume #longmustache #chairisagainstthewall #freehuman #deny #redhorde #rustpunklife