"Beyond all the ideology of the special mission of the university sector it is worth remembering two things. First, students make the higher education system. Professors are primarily supervisory. Second, students working to become teachers, in any area, are – all of them – being groomed for management. Graduate students feel this contradiction and it hurts because they are moving from the shop floor to management. But the fact is that if you want to teach for money in our system, you’re supposed to supervise. None of this would need saying if we were talking about the automobile sector."
Stefano Harney & Fred Moten
Plantocracy and Communism
#FredMoten #StefanoHarney #Plantocracy #Communism #Commonism #Undercommons #HigherEducation #Universities #College #Education #IllWill
#fredmoten #stefanoharney #plantocracy #communism #commonism #undercommons #highereducation #universities #college #education #IllWill
Should you currently be saying to yourself "wow, this Mastodon place seems very professional"—likely a legitimate interpretation, based on what you've seen thus far—I'd heartily invite you to try invoking some unprofessional pixels by searching with weirdo hashtags, then following some freaks, and plumbing the depths of this deeply strange assemblage of prehensile pneumatic toot-tubes.
Part of this other-than-professionalism you might find in people's "unlisted" toots.
Perhaps this operates as some sort of unlisted #undercommons for study, sharing, complaining, critiquing, even dismantling whiteness, misogyny, homomisia, class, ability, and the various other powers that structure even these potentially-other spaces to greater and lesser degrees?
With your participation, we can détourn it up (bring the noise).
[Parution en français] Les sous-communs, planification fugitive et étude noire. Par Stefano Harney et Fred Moten. Éditions Brook, 28 janvier 2022
Le 28 janvier 2022 est parue la traduction en français de l'ou
#communs #Actualités #étudesdécoloniales #FredMoten #sous-communs #StefanoHarney #undercommons
#undercommons #StefanoHarney #sous #FredMoten #étudesdécoloniales #actualités #communs
My #introductions -
Florian, reader in 21st Century Visual Culture/Autonomous Practices at Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam.
Fields of interest/activity include
I have a blog on #diaspora at
#introductions #artsandhumanities #arts #contemporaryart #visualculture #zines #experimentalism #photography #filmmaking #politics #undercommons #diaspora