Sea level rise estimate climbs to $310 million; Key Biscayne weighs options :
The unanswered question: how much flooding will the Village Council tolerate?
#AECOM #AllisonMcCormick #BrettMoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #stormwater #targer #TomMcGowan #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#aecom #allisonmccormick #brettmoss #coastalprotection #easement #flooding #powerline #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #servicelevel #stevewilliamson #stormwater #targer #tommcgowan #undergrounding #miami #News
Will Key Biscayne restart its sea level rise plan? Big vote Tuesday :
Is this a do-or-die moment for the infrastructure project?
#100Million #AECOM #ArmyCorpsofEngineers #Beach #biscaynebay #Black&Veatch #drainage #EdLondon #FernandoVazquez #Miami #resiliencybond #RolandSamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #shoreline #SteveWilliamson #stormwater #undergrounding
#Miami #news
#100million #aecom #armycorpsofengineers #beach #biscaynebay #black #drainage #edlondon #fernandovazquez #miami #resiliencybond #rolandsamimy #sealevelrise #seawall #shoreline #stevewilliamson #stormwater #undergrounding #News
For January 23, 2023: Alameda County Women's Hall of Fame nominations are open, Olive Little is painting pet portraits to raise funds for the Warming Shelter, AMP is planning on moving utility lines underground, and 99% positive ferry feedback.
#WETA #Alameda #SFBayFerry #PetPortraits #UtilityLines #AlamedaCounty #Undergrounding #WarmingShelter #AlamedaMunicipalPower #UndergroundUtilityDistrict #AlamedaCountyWomen'sHallOfFame
#weta #alameda #sfbayferry #petportraits #utilitylines #alamedacounty #undergrounding #warmingshelter #alamedamunicipalpower #undergroundutilitydistrict #alamedacountywomen