TheOnion: Smithsonian Acquires Giant Catapult Harriet Tubman Used To Launch Slaves To Freedom #fugitiveslavesintheunitedstates #womenintheamericancivilwar #undergroundrailroad #aircraftcatapult #harriettubman #antheamhartig #catapult #harriet #tubman
#fugitiveslavesintheunitedstates #womenintheamericancivilwar #undergroundrailroad #aircraftcatapult #harriettubman #antheamhartig #catapult #harriet #tubman
The Tyee: Education Gave Birth to Our Democracy. Will It Protect It? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AdresseauxélecteursducomtédeTerrebonne #FriendsofCanadianBroadcasting #OjibwaychiefKahkewaquonaby #FirstBaronThompsonofFleet #Louis-HippolyteLafontaine #TheAdventuresofTelemachus #FirstBaronBeaverbrook #TheVoiceoftheFugitive #TheProvincialFreeman #BritishNorthAmerica #UndergroundRailroad #Canadiandemocracy
#BCNews #TheTyee #adresseauxelecteursducomtedeterrebonne #friendsofcanadianbroadcasting #ojibwaychiefkahkewaquonaby #firstbaronthompsonoffleet #louis #theadventuresoftelemachus #firstbaronbeaverbrook #thevoiceofthefugitive #theprovincialfreeman #britishnorthamerica #undergroundrailroad #canadiandemocracy
‘And Henry thought about being free.’
#DeZinVanHetBoek #TheEssenceOfTheBook
#BoekPerWeek 41/52 ★★★★☆
A beautiful book about an intriguing escape to freedom. My review:
#Boeken @boeken #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Lezen #Read
#dezinvanhetboek #TheEssenceOfTheBook #BoekPerWeek #boeken #bookstodon #lezen #read #childrensbooks #undergroundrailroad #blackhistory
‘And Henry thought about being free.’
#DeZinVanHetBoek #TheEssenceOfTheBook
#BoekPerWeek 41/52 ★★★★☆
A beautiful book about an intriguing escape to freedom. My review:
#Boeken @Boeken
#Bookstodon @Bookstodon
#Lezen #Read
#dezinvanhetboek #TheEssenceOfTheBook #BoekPerWeek #boeken #bookstodon #lezen #read #childrensbooks #undergroundrailroad #blackhistory
This looks like a great #hamradio #POTA activity. I, at one time, had the idea to activate stations on the #undergroundrailroad. #blackhistory #africanhistory #africanamericans #amateurradio
#amateurradio #africanamericans #Africanhistory #blackhistory #undergroundrailroad #pota #hamradio
This looks like a great #hamradio #POTA activity. I, at one time, had the idea to activate stations on the #undergroundrailroad. #blackhistory #africanhistory #africanamericans #amateurradio
#amateurradio #africanamericans #Africanhistory #blackhistory #undergroundrailroad #pota #hamradio
Extraordinary amazing story! How could I have I never heard so many of these details before?
History classes too often leave out the vivid details that make a story come alive
Harriet Tubman, an Unsung Naturalist, Used Owl Calls as a Signal on the Underground Railroad | Audubon
#harriettubman #undergroundrailroad #birds
The Chicago Tribune is looking for families whose ancestors traveled on the Underground Railroad in order to tell their stories and recognize historic sites in Illinois.
"Looking for Freedom Seekers: Do you have ancestors who traveled on the Underground Railroad? We want to hear from you."
#UndergroundRailroad #Genealogy #BlackHistoryMonth #FamilyHistory
#familyhistory #BlackHistoryMonth #genealogy #undergroundrailroad
RT @Michael99161326
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson reveals on the Stephen Colbert show that his African-American ancestors came to #Canada through the #UndergroundRailroad to southwestern Ontario. Google it!
Secrets of rural NC: This old country road will take you to a lost stop on the Underground Railroad by #WRAL
#NCed #history #BlackHistory #BlackHistoryMonth #slavery #UndergroundRailroad
#blackhistorymonth #slavery #undergroundrailroad #wral #nced #history #blackhistory
The Tyee: Black Studies 12 Arrives in Surrey High Schools (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #B.C.MinisterofTransportationandInfrastructureRobFleming #B.C.EducationMinisterJenniferWhiteside #Surrey-GreenTimberselectoraldistrict #EarlMarriottSecondarySchool,Surrey #UniversityofBritishColumbia #L.A.MathesonSecondary #BCCommunityAlliance #MartinLutherKingJr. #UndergroundRailroad #FrankHurtSecondary #RosaParks
#BCNews #TheTyee #b #surrey #earlmarriottsecondaryschool #UniversityofBritishColumbia #l #bccommunityalliance #martinlutherkingjr #undergroundrailroad #frankhurtsecondary #rosaparks
#BlackMastodon #Bookstodon #TaNehisiCoates
I tooted my favorite Harriet Tubman quote early this morning and it reminded me how much I loved reading Ta-Nehisi Coates' novel The Water Dancer. Part historical fiction and part fantasy, it tells the story of an enslaved man with supernatural powers and provided the perfect imagining of how Harriet Tubman was able to escape enslavement on the #UndergroundRailroad and then return to lead others to freedom. If you haven't read it, you really should.
#blackmastodon #bookstodon #tanehisicoates #undergroundrailroad
At 20 years old, Frederick Douglass escaped to Newport, Rhode Island, but couldn't stay there because it was a slave state. From there he went to New Bedford, Massachusetts, which had a large, free black population. Massachusetts had ended slavery in 1783:
#FrederickDouglass #Massachusetts #NewBedford #slavery #UndergroundRailroad #PBSNewsHour
#frederickdouglass #massachusetts #NewBedford #slavery #undergroundrailroad #pbsnewshour
#OnThisDayInHistory February 1, 1978 #HarrietTubman became the first #BlackAmerican woman to be honored on a U.S. postage stamp. Born enslaved in 1822, Tubman escaped and later led missions to rescue *no fewer than 70 others, including family (*numbers differ in various accounts). She was also a #CivilWar veteran, serving as a #UnionArmy scout & spy.
#abolitionist #UndergroundRailroad #WomensSuffrage
#BlackHistory is #AmericanHistory❤✊🏿💚
#BlackMastodon #americanhistory #blackhistory #womenssuffrage #undergroundrailroad #abolitionist #unionarmy #civilwar #blackamerican #harriettubman #onthisdayinhistory #BlackHistoryMonth
#OnThisDayInHistory February 1, 1978 #HarrietTubman became the first #BlackAmerican woman to be honored on a U.S. postage stamp. Born enslaved in 1822, Tubman escaped and later led missions to rescue *no less than 70 others, including family (*numbers differ in various accounts). She was also a #CivilWar veteran, serving as a #UnionArmy scout & spy.
#abolitionist #UndergroundRailroad #WomensSuffrage
#BlackHistory is #AmericanHistory❤✊🏿💚
#BlackMastodon #americanhistory #blackhistory #womenssuffrage #undergroundrailroad #abolitionist #unionarmy #civilwar #blackamerican #harriettubman #onthisdayinhistory #BlackHistoryMonth
This website is intended as a public exhibition: anyone can access it and learn more about this history, as if they were physically taking our #undergroundrailroad tour:
#undergroundrailroad #publichistory #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth2023
When are we going to start an #UndergroundRailroad to get women out of the Southern States before a total #HandmaidsTale scenario unfolds?
#undergroundrailroad #handmaidstale
本书的高潮部分非常具有讽刺意味。自由人、带有白人血统的农场主Valentine召集聚会。会上大家高谈阔论,然而此时Ridgeway带领的白人,却埋伏在外,最后围猎了与会的黑人。黑人们以为自己拥有自由,可以选择未来,然而这一切都还十分脆弱。最后Cora通过一段无人使用的地下铁轨和手摇轨道车逃离血海。这样的结局,也许是在说,革命尚未成功,Underground Railroad仍然任重道远。
@Tuilindo :8111: 大过年的,我看的东西全是悲伤的。随便看个日剧#藤子,结果全剧都在虐待小孩;参加组内同事读书,结果是#UndergroundRailroad,讲黑人奴隶逃离奴隶主。。随便刷个嘟,刷到这个 :0120: :3030:
Women of the Tents
Preserving the Underground
Scrambling to save
#blackwomen #unitedorder #undergroundrailroad #haiku #poetry
#undergroundrailroad #haiku #blackwomen #unitedorder #poetry