Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
378 followers · 2764 posts · Server

as long as you want
✍️ fic by

🧎 /
🧎 Post-canon
🧎 8k, Explicit
🧎 While tending LZ's wounds after a night hunt, WY suddenly finds himself saying things he hasn't said before
🧎 WY wants LZ to do whatever LZ wants to him
🧎 LZ describes what he thinks about when he touches himself
🧎 WY gets what he wants
🧎 Light


#darkredloveknot #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #domsub #FicRec #mdzs #wangxian #nsfw #undernegotiatedkink

Last updated 2 years ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
355 followers · 2360 posts · Server

wild for your skin
✍️ fic by

😢 /
😢 3k, Explicit
😢 WWX's new body is physically no match for LWJ in strength
😢 He mentions this while they are fucking
😢 LWJ gives him a practical demonstration
😢 They're both freaks & it's hot as hell


#phnelt #modaozushi #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #domsub #consensualnonconsent #undernegotiatedkink #sextears #postcanon #establishedrelationship #pwp

Last updated 2 years ago

and raise your glass (for me)
✍️ fic by ,

🥂 /
🥂 8k, Explicit
🥂 At LWJ's birthday party, Jin Zixun pressures him to drink
🥂 WWX is the server who drinks for him
🥂 bottomji with a hint of


#larkspur_9 #song_of_storms #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #domsub #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #wangxianficrec #nsfw #ModernAU #undernegotiatedkink

Last updated 2 years ago

一拍即合 | Well Suited
✍️ fic by

🦁 /
🦁 24k, Explicit
🦁 LZ's company hires WY's troupe
🦁 Instant attraction, horny speedrun
🦁 But first, lion dance!


#cecil #mdzs #lanwangji #weiwuxian #liondance #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #ModernAU #gettingtogether #undernegotiatedkink

Last updated 2 years ago

fat? :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
249 followers · 1241 posts · Server

the taste of your lips so sweet
✍️ fic by spoonful_of_sugar

🧛 Wang Yibo / Xiao Zhan
🧛 4k, Explicit
🧛 Wyb has just presented as a vampire
🧛 Senior vampire xz trains young vampires to control themselves
🧛 Shameless & sweet wyb is a very enjoyable assignment


#yizhan #RPF #au #decrecs #FicRec #yizhanficrec #vampires #dubcon #undernegotiatedkink #domsub

Last updated 2 years ago