Porteus Underpass
#underpass linking #Paddington #Basin with Little Venice #London
#littlevenice #porteus #art #arts #artwork #light #colour #colours #artphotography #canal #road #artworkphotography #illuminated #walkway #blue #turing #alanturing
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #8-15mm #fisheye #lens #fisheyelens #fisheyephotography
#underpass #Paddington #basin #london #littlevenice #porteus #art #arts #artwork #light #colour #Colours #artphotography #canal #road #artworkphotography #illuminated #walkway #blue #turing #alanturing #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #fisheye #lens #FisheyeLens #fisheyephotography
Porteus Underpass
#underpass linking #Paddington #Basin with Little Venice #London
#littlevenice #porteus #art #arts #artwork #light #colour #colours #artphotography #canal #road #artworkphotography #illuminated #walkway #blue #turing #alanturing
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #8-15mm #fisheye #lens #fisheyelens #fisheyephotography
#underpass #Paddington #basin #london #littlevenice #porteus #art #arts #artwork #light #colour #Colours #artphotography #canal #road #artworkphotography #illuminated #walkway #blue #turing #alanturing #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #fisheye #lens #FisheyeLens #fisheyephotography
Global News BC: Cost of key Pitt Meadows rail crossing triples, city asked to chip in $50M https://globalnews.ca/news/9590628/pitt-meadows-harris-road-crossing-cost/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #pittmeadowsunderpass #harrisroadunderpass #railunderpasscost #b.c.railcrossing #pittmeadowsrail #Railcrossing #PittMeadows #$50Million #HarrisRoad #underpass #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pittmeadowsunderpass #harrisroadunderpass #railunderpasscost #b #pittmeadowsrail #railcrossing #pittmeadows #harrisroad #underpass #Canada
While today is not as hot as yesterday, it is still will be bloody hot. Remember to never leave kids, pets or mother in law's in the car in the hot sun, no matter how much you hate them.
#WoyWoy #motherinlaws #hot #SydneyWeather #Underpass #WeatherAu
#woywoy #motherinlaws #hot #sydneyweather #underpass #weatherau
Another Sydney Gangland shooting?
No just another brain dead truck driver wondering what he is going to tell the boss.
#WoyWoy #Underpass #GetANewJob #WhereJaGetYaLicence #TruckDrivers
#woywoy #underpass #getanewjob #wherejagetyalicence #truckdrivers
Pixelfed Digest: Songtan, South Korea
Seven shots I took on a leisurely walk back from Osan Air Base to Ugok Village.
#southkorea #korea #songtan #street #alley #facade #highrise #underpass #autorepair #vintage #vintagestyle
#southkorea #korea #songtan #street #alley #facade #highrise #underpass #autorepair #vintage #vintagestyle
#winterbiketoworkday progress photos of 30th & Colorado Ave
#boulder #bike #underpass #design
#winterbiketoworkday #boulder #bike #underpass #design
RT @ex_utopia@twitter.com
The light at the end of the tunnel. An #underpass in Plovdiv, #Bulgaria.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ex_utopia/status/1619003342365106185
Happy anniversary to John Foxx’s debut album, 'Metamatic’. Released this week in 1980. #johnfoxx #ultravox #metamatic #underpass #noonedriving
#johnfoxx #Ultravox #metamatic #underpass #noonedriving
Happy anniversary to John Foxx’s debut single, “Underpass”. Released this week in 1980. #johnfoxx #underpass #metamatic
#johnfoxx #underpass #metamatic
Bloody tourists who can't read the signs!
#WoyWoy #gowwfb #Underpass #Duckaunder #mousetrap #OnlyTwoAndAHalfM #Opps #SantaDidntMakeItToWoyWoy
#woywoy #gowwfb #underpass #duckaunder #mousetrap #onlytwoandahalfm #opps #santadidntmakeittowoywoy
Why does this happen every time someone mentions "underpants"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjA-aFWOZOw #underpass #johnfoxx
'Express Way'
#itdm5j21 #photo #fotoian #photographie #photography #photician #urban #AerosolPaint #StreetArt #IanD #spikes #concrete #graffiti #SprayPaint #bridge #underpass
#underpass #bridge #spraypaint #graffiti #concrete #spikes #IanD #streetart #AerosolPaint #urban #photician #photography #photographie #fotoian #photo #itdm5j21
penguins underpass...
#passage #tunnel #bluepenguins #oamaru #penguins #underpass #newzealand #crossing #safety #animatedgif #video
#penguins #underpass #newzealand #safety #animatedgif #video #passage #tunnel #bluepenguins #oamaru #crossing