#Trump #legal team filed complaint re prosecutors filing a motion under seal w/o consulting them.
Prosecutors responded that they did consult on the #filing, just not on the decision to #file it #UnderSeal, a process laid out by the #court.
Prosecutors alerted Juge #Chutkan to Trump's "daily" public statements
Chutkan *granted* Trump's #motion to #vacate
#Jan6 #ElectionInterference #Conspiracy
#trump #legal #filing #file #underseal #court #chutkan #motion #vacate #jan6 #electioninterference #conspiracy
#FultonCounty adds to high-profile rebukes of #Trump’s ‘stolen’ election
“Those awaiting a potential blockbuster report from the Fulton County #SpecialGrandJury’s investigation of Donald #Trump & his allies’ efforts to overturn the #2020election are apparently going to have to keep waiting. A judge released a rather minimal excerpt of the report Thurs & left the rest #UnderSeal.”
By Aaron Blake
#fultoncounty #trump #specialgrandjury #2020election #underseal