@CinemaParrotDisco Did not Happen very often for me though 😅 But Babak Anvari has Once joined a conversation over #ICameBy Which was great 'cause I admire his #UnderTheShadow
@TomSchmidt You already mentioned a lot (Dafne Kern, Linda Blair, Hailee Steinfeld, Jodie Foster) I would've also taken.
Some other choices:
Macaulay Culkin (#HomeAlone)
Danny Lloyd (#TheShining)
Edward Furlong (#Terminator2)
Ariana Richards (#JurassicPark)
Leonard Proxauf (#DasWeißeBand)
Sunny Suljic (#TheKillingOfASacredDeer)
Avin Manshadi (#UnderTheShadow)
Austin O'Brien (#LastActionHero)
Heather O'Rourke (#Poltergeist)
Millicent Simmonds (#AQuietPlace)
#homealone #theshining #terminator2 #jurassicpark #dasweißeband #thekillingofasacreddeer #undertheshadow #lastactionhero #poltergeist #aquietplace
@Danslalune Which #Movies scared me the most...
And many more 💀☠️
#movies #theblairwitchproject #undertheshadow #theforest #theconjuring2 #mindhunters #jeeperscreepers #deadsilence #graveencounters #asabovesobelow #orphan
@dianthvs #TheVVitch, #ItFollows or #UnderTheShadow made me sleepless nights
#thevvitch #itfollows #undertheshadow
@horroryear #UnderTheShadow is one of my favourite #Horror #Movies! 🇮🇷
#undertheshadow #horror #movies
@grryboy @YayForThat @LukeySixx 2010s Part 2:
- #TheVVitch (2015)
- #TheVisit (2015)
- #InsidiousChapter3 (2015)
- #UnderTheShadow (2016)
- #TheConjuring2 (2016)
- #Hush (2016)
- #Split (2016)
- #Viral (2016)
- #TheEyesOfMyMother (2016)
- #OuijaOriginOfEvil (2016)
- #TheBoy (2016)
- #TheForest (2016)
- #FriendRequest (2016)
- #BeforeIWake (2016)
- #GetOut (2017)
- #It (2017)
- #1922 (2017)
- #HappyDeathDay (2017)
- #GeraldsGame (2017)
- #AnnabelleCreation (2017)
#thevvitch #thevisit #insidiouschapter3 #undertheshadow #theconjuring2 #hush #split #viral #theeyesofmymother #ouijaoriginofevil #theboy #theforest #friendrequest #beforeiwake #getout #IT #happydeathday #geraldsgame #annabellecreation
7 #Horror #Movies to know me better:
- #Halloween
- #TheVVitch
- #UnderTheShadow
- #ItFollows
- #Poltergeist
- #TheConjuring2
- #TheTexasChainSawMassacre
#horror #movies #halloween #thevvitch #undertheshadow #itfollows #poltergeist #theconjuring2 #thetexaschainsawmassacre #cinemastodon #filmlover #filmastodon #horrorfam