Tears as we finished Under the Waves, then moved swiftly into Fallout 4.
Thank you for the follow/s - shanesdanish
Sub/s - FirewalkerIV
Gifted Sub/s - DollyWhiskers
Bits - TheClumsyKie
Raid - CuriouslyCuddlyCryptid
#underthewaves #quanticdream #fallout4
🔴 Today I'm going deep! (uWu) with Quantic Dream's Under the Waves. 🌊 Then some Fallout 4 for dessert.
Going live Saturday, 09 September | 18:00 - 23:00 UTC+1
#underthewaves #quanticdream #fallout4
#UnderTheWaves schlägt hohe Wellen in PS5-Charts! Das Indie-Adventure rund um surreale Unterwassererlebnisse kann mit seiner Handelsversion immerhin auf Rang vier einsteigen. https://jpgames.de/2023/09/deutsche-verkaufscharts-under-the-waves-schlaegt-in-den-ps5-rankings-hohe-wellen/
I was so happy to hear Stan singing the Wellerman song while playing Under the Waves. Thought I'd add some harmonies to a duet by Malinda, Bobby Bass and Stan of course! https://youtube.com/shorts/qrxWF9BHsvE?si=UvcQrBwuCs2q2w6N
#vgm #music #seashanty #indiegames #gaming #underthewaves
Under the Waves is HARROWING. This shit is a rollercoaster, and I can't get off. I'll never forgive them for what they did!
Thank you for the Bits - @jademelodyca
#underthewaves #quanticdream #twitchstreamer
🔴 Instead of Minecraft, today I'm going deep! (uWu) with more of Quantic Dream's Under the Waves. 🌊
Going live Monday, 04 September | 20:00 - 23:00 UTC+1
#underthewaves #quanticdream #twitchstreamer
Having trouble finding the probes in Parallel Studio's Under the Waves? 🐙 Hope this helps! https://youtu.be/d5YylEgVfRI?si=18YmahuTnjyUELQ0
#pcgaming #playstation #xbox #gaming #underthewaves
Day 2 of Under the Waves. J0 is still best boi. Also I met a sleepy whale.
Thank you for the follow/s - pixelmyaaa, lilysdarkmaterials
#underthewaves #quanticdream #twitchstreamer
🤿 On débute la journée, non pas dans les étoiles, mais sous l'océan avec notre test vidéo de #UnderTheWaves, le nouveau jeu du studio Parisien @FromParallel.
😎 Une chouette surprise narrative, histoire de boucler la fin de l'été dans les meilleures conditions !
Una zambullida al misterio, Under The Waves ya está disponible en formato físico para PlayStation y Xbox
#Noticias #MeridiemGames #ParallelStudio #QuanticDream #SPOTLIGHT #UnderTheWaves
#noticias #meridiemgames #parallelstudio #quanticdream #Spotlight #underthewaves
Kotaku: Everything We Saw At Gamescom 2023 Opening Night Live https://kotaku.com/gamescom-2023-opening-night-live-alan-wake-2-cyberpunk-1850762722 #gaming #tech #kotaku #starfieldprefaced #thecrewmotorfest #coraliefeniello #assassinscreed #moonzacksnyder #juliettebrown #underthewaves #windowsgames #mortalkombat #lucasroussel #toddhoward #rogerclark #ginatorres #troybaker #cyberpunk #starfield #gamescom #dustborn #alanwake #trailer #kotaku #snap #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #starfieldprefaced #thecrewmotorfest #coraliefeniello #assassinscreed #moonzacksnyder #juliettebrown #underthewaves #windowsgames #mortalkombat #lucasroussel #toddhoward #rogerclark #ginatorres #troybaker #cyberpunk #starfield #gamescom #dustborn #alanwake #trailer #snap #rpg
Joa, die #OpeningNightLive war ganz nett. Ich hatte jetzt nicht ein großes Highlight wie letztes Jahr mit #LiesOfP, aber #CrimsonDesert, #UnderTheWaves und #AraHistoryUntold haben mir z.B. gut gefallen.
Die #PhantomLiberty Erweiterung für #Cyberpunk2077 sieht nice aus, aber ich habe eben weder die Zeit noch die Hardware, Cyberpunk zu spielen... 😅
#Gamescom #Gamescom2023 #Gaming #GamingNews
#openingnightlive #liesofp #crimsondesert #underthewaves #arahistoryuntold #phantomliberty #cyberpunk2077 #gamescom #gamescom2023 #gaming #gamingnews
El juego surrealista bajo el mar, Under The Waves llegará en formato físico para PlayStation y Xbox
#noticias #narrativa #quanticdream #underthewaves
Beyond the obvious titles I liked the look of #UnderTheWaves #SummerGameFest
#underthewaves #summergamefest
#UnderTheWaves sieht zwar schön aus, aber jedes Mal, wenn ich einen x-beliebigen Scuba-Simulator sehe, denke ich nur daran, wie sehr ich mir ein neues #EndlessOcean wünsche. 😭 (Oder zumindest eine Neuauflage/Port der alten Spiele, damit mehr Leute in den Genuss kommen.)
#underthewaves #endlessocean #summergamefest
@AntlionAudio@twitter.com Interesting trailers, nice to see #DeadIsland2 back, though I'll wait for a Steam release or get it on Stadia. Also interesting #TheCallistoProtocol, #UnderTheWaves and #ReturnToMonkeyIsland
Thanks a lot for raiding @Sisi49402706@twitter.com!
We lorbenized the Saints over at @RichardOnTwitch@twitter.com
#DeadIsland2 #TheCallistoProtocol #underthewaves #ReturnToMonkeyIsland