@DrScience this reminds me of a Christmas experience I had as an #UndiagnosedAutistic kid! I was raised Catholic (left the church over a decade ago, though), and I was at Christmas mass with my family. I was a couple months away from turning 3, and I’d just learned that Christmas was Jesus’ birthday. My aunt was singing in choir and took me up to the choir loft with her. I proceeded to sing happy birthday to Jesus as loudly as I could in the middle of mass :blobcatbirthday:
Not #Christian. When I was a kid (#undiagnosedautistic) I was in the newspaper because a reporter was asking elementary school students what the meaning of #Christmas was. My #actuallyautistic self answered "it's Jesus's birthday". The reporter thought it was awesome that I answered with the true meaning of #xmas. I simply was sharing information. It just popped in my head when my #jewish kid asked about Xmas. #LateDiagnosedAutism
#christian #undiagnosedautistic #christmas #actuallyautistic #xmas #jewish #latediagnosedautism