@amoshiashwili Currently #LSAC #releases #LSAT #tests pretty quickly, I believe usually within a year.
But recently they've been designating many of the tests as #undisclosed.
Making new questions that closely resemble the test, without ending up copying the real questions, is hella hard, trust me I've done it (only for #games)
And poor fake questions are incredibly useless.
#lsac #releases #undisclosed #games #lsat #tests
#NewDetails about the #HaudenosauneeDevelopmentInstitute multi-million dollar operation — including #undisclosed success fees, limited #PublicParticipation & #ConflictOfInterest emerged after new court documents were filed Monday in the #MensFire effort to stop #HDIs application to intervene in #SixNations #LandClaim .
#Indigenous #Mohawk #FirstNations #NativeCanada #Canada #Lawsuit
#newdetails #haudenosauneedevelopmentinstitute #undisclosed #publicparticipation #conflictofinterest #mensfire #hdis #sixnations #landclaim #indigenous #mohawk #firstnations #nativecanada #canada #lawsuit
We live in a world where some of the good intentions by the elected are disclosed & debated, but then never get seen again...
And in this same world we have those bad intentions by the unelected that are undisclosed, so never debated and are felt painfully everywhere!
Can we fix this? I have doubts.
#Undisclosed'in voittoputki jatkuu yhä, vaikka itse podcast loppui jo ajat sitten. Sitäkin vakuuttavampaa (tai surullisempaa, näkökulmasta riippuen), että yksi kriteereistä sarjalla oli, että käsittelyyn otetaan vain toivottomia tapauksia, eli sellaisia, joissa kaikki valitusmahdollisuudet on käytetty. Eli nämä ovat ihmisiä, jotka järjestelmä jyräsi ja sitten hylkäsi. https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/evidenceprof/2023/02/yesterday-the-supreme-court-of-georgia-upheld-the-grant-ofhabeas-relief-to-joey-watkins-given-this-terrific-turn-of-events.html