Woodside faces Indigenous legal challenge to seismic blasting at WA gas site Traditional owner alleges company failed to adequately consult on effect of Scarborough project blasting on sea country. #auslaw #auspol #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP #gas
#auslaw #auspol #indigenousip #undrip #gas
WA Premier Roger Cook announces repeal of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws via @ABCaustralia #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP #culture #heritage
#indigenousip #undrip #culture #heritage
WA government won't confirm repeal of Juukan Gorge Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act laws via @ABCaustralia #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP #auslaw #auspol
#indigenousip #undrip #auslaw #auspol
Johnathan Thurston, Eddie Betts and Evonne Goolagong Cawley back yes vote in Indigenous voice pamphlet Official pro-voice essay, written by the government, calls on Australians to ‘vote yes for unity, hope and to make a positive difference’. #IndigenousVoice #auspol #auslaw #UNDRIP
#IndigenousVoice #auspol #auslaw #undrip
More #library orgs against #IFLA 2024 conference in Dubai. In Québec: CBPQ signatory toComité français international bibliothèques et documentation statement. Objections on UN sustainable development goals (#UNDRIP) & #HumanRights (cites Amnesty International) Also, a statement from @CAPALacbes to its mailing list (no public link so I'm attaching screenshot of the text).
#library #ifla #undrip #humanrights
@CanadianPolling This question should be accompanied by another to see if the respondents have any idea what the UNDRIP says.
#undrip #polling #canpol #cdnpoli
Climate Litigation Hearing - Pabai v Commonwealth - #auslaw #auspol #climate #torresstraitislands #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP
#auslaw #auspol #climate #torresstraitislands #indigenousip #undrip
Climate Litigation - Evidence of Climate Harms Given On Country
Hearings for the potentially groundbreaking Australian Climate Case will take place On Country in the Torres Strait (Zenadth Kes), 5-19 June 2023. Guda Maluyligal plaintiffs Uncle Pabai Pabai and Uncle Paul Kabai from the islands of Boigu and Saibai will give evidence of the climate harms experienced by these communities on the frontline of Australia’s impending climate disaster. #auslaw #auspol #climate #torresstraitislands #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP
#auslaw #auspol #climate #torresstraitislands #indigenousip #undrip
#MaboDay "It's a shared responsibility for all of us as the generations coming through to not lose sight of what came before us, particularly people who were able to make these phenomenal changes with far less than what we have today," Kenny Bedford said
"These are the giants who lived and breathed fighting for our rights." #auslaw #auspol #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP
#maboday #auslaw #auspol #indigenousip #undrip
'My husband was killed for exposing the Amazon’s plunder. But his work lives on' | Alessandra Sampaio #Amazon #Brazil #biodiversity #IndigenousRights #UNDRIP #IndigenousIP #environmentaldefenders
#amazon #brazil #biodiversity #indigenousrights #undrip #indigenousip #environmentaldefenders
@aeryn Wow, that's really shockingly bad. The little tiny reserves are so obvious I'm surprised that someone thought a map was a good idea.
I suppose it really highlights how far the Crown is from implementing #UNDRIP and #LandBack if they can't use a map that looks like
Here's the link to the map for anyone who wants to see for themselves.
Anthropocentric Environmentalism, Anthropogenic Climate Change, and All Our Relations.
#climatecrisis #climatechange #Landback #undrip
Indigenous elder Leslie Schultz finds voice at United Nations, while pushing for Voice to Parliament at home via @ABCaustralia #UNPFII #UNDRIP #IndigenousIP #voicetreatytruth #auslaw #auspol
#unpfii #undrip #indigenousip #voicetreatytruth #auslaw #auspol
New agreements between First Nations and B.C. government a step toward fulfilling Canada’s treaty obligations
#Indigenous #IndigenousPeoples #FirstNations #Kanata #Canada #Colonialism #OilAndGas #BC #BritishColumbia #Treaties #Land #UNDRIP #Obligations
#treaties #land #undrip #obligations #indigenous #indigenouspeoples #firstnations #kanata #canada #colonialism #OilandGas #bc #britishcolumbia
Heya! Want to support #Indigenous sovereignty and stewardship of our water, air, and land here on #TurtleIsland (aka #USA and #canada Check out this letter and prioritize life over convenient fossil fuel access. #CELA @envirodefence #climate #water #UNDRIP
Sign as an individual or organization:
#indigenous #turtleisland #usa #canada #cela #climate #water #undrip
The #UNDRIP principle of "free, prior, and informed consent" MUST be at the heart of all efforts to extract resources from #Indigenous territories as the world transitions away from fossil fuels. May the people who know the land best have the final say in what takes place there. They know the crisis we all face better than most. Their consent and their leadership are needed to ensure that justice prevails as the world moves to embrace renewable energy, EVs, and other sustainable technologies.
‘Green colonialism’: Indigenous world leaders warn over west’s climate strategy | Indigenous peoples | The Guardian
>UN summit in New York hears how resources needed for sustainable energy threaten Indigenous land and people
One of my favorite news stories this week was just published five minutes ago, so you get to be among the first to read it.
My former HCN colleague Sarah Sax reports on why Indigenous leaders are telling the UN that FREE PRIOR AND INFORMED CONSENT (instead of fake "consultation" with tribes) should be legally binding, especially when it comes to developing green energy.
👀 👇 #Newstodon #GreenColonialism #RenewableEnergy #ClimateChange #conservation #UN #UNDRIP #FPIC
#newstodon #greencolonialism #renewableenergy #ClimateChange #conservation #un #undrip #fpic
"The #mining trampled our areas. They just cut down all the trees, moved rock piles, made roads," Gilaskamax (Allan Brown), a Gitxaała Elder of the Lax Sgyiik (Eagle clan) told Francesca Fionda
“Tribal officials had just 60 days to catch up on nine years of development planning and issue their initial concerns and objections as public comments.”
This is not real consultation. We can ramp up renewables without trampling treaty rights.
#undrip #justtransition #renewableenergy #TreatyRights