@strypey @DrPlanktonguy
1. Fed-funded authors can publish in high-impact subscription (non-OA) journals and pay no #APCs. Their work will still be #OpenAccess through the funder's designated repository.
2. Some no-fee OA journals (#DiamondOA) are already high-impact and the number grows steadily.
3. Some high-impact journals will charge no APCs and still allow #unembargoed #GreenOA (as required by the #OSTP policies). An important example is @ScienceMagazine.
#OSTP #greenOA #unembargoed #diamondoa #openaccess #APCs
The #G7 Science and Technology Ministers just endorsed #unembargoed #OpenAccess to publicly-funded research, the #FAIR principles, #OpenData, sustainable research #infrastructure, and #assessment reforms that create incentives for #OpenScience practices .
#OpenScience #assessment #infrastructure #opendata #fair #openaccess #unembargoed #g7
Kudos to the 14 journals in the #JAMA Network.
"Beginning in 2023, JAMA and all of the journals in the JAMA Network will adopt a new policy that permits authors of original research investigations to deposit their accepted manuscript in a public repository of their choosing immediately on the day that the manuscript is published by the JAMA Network."
PS: This looks like anticipatory compliance with the US federal #openaccess policies requiring #unembargoed #green OA.
#green #unembargoed #openaccess #jama